Sauce Hollandaise (1)

Course Sauzen
Servings 8 personen


  • 4 stuks Eigeel
  • 250 g Boter geklaard
  • 2 el water koud
  • 0,5 stuks Citroensap
  • 1 snufje Zout
  • 1 tl witte peperkorrels geplet
  • 1 el witte wijnazijn
  • cayenpeper



  • Doe het water, de azijn en de peper in een pan met dikke bodem en breng aan de kook. Verminder tot 1/3 op laag vuur. Laat het dan afkoelen.
  • Doe de eidooiers in een kleine steelpan of kom en klop tot ze ingedikt zijn.
  • Voeg vervolgens de reductie van water en azijn toe en klop het.
  • Klop nu een beetje geklaarde boter erdoor en verwarm de pan au bain marie
  • Blijf kloppen tot het mengsel dikker wordt en voeg dan in een dun straaltje de geklaarde boter toe.
  • Blijf kloppen tot de saus dik en glanzend is.
  • Passeer de saus door een fijne zeef.
  • Kruid met peper en zout en voeg het citroensap en de cayennepeper toe. Warm houden in de bain-marie of thermoskan.

Saus Bearnaise

  • Zoals Hollandaise saus, maar met een reductie van wat fijngesneden sjalot, kervel en dragon. Breng op smaak met wat cayennepeper.

Saus Choron.

  • Zoals Bearnaise met een coulis van verse tomaten erdoor.

Saus Daumont.

  • Hollandaisesaus met het vocht van de oesters en wat extra citroensap.

Saus Hendrik IV.

  • Bearnaisesaus met wat vloeibare glace de viande, runderbouillon toegevoegd.
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Course Pastry
Cuisine Dutch, Frans
Servings 22 pieces


  • 100 g Bloem
  • 100 ml water
  • 100 ml Melk
  • 0,5 tl Zout
  • 100 g Boter in cubes
  • 4 pieces Eieren


  • Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Bring the milk, water and butter to the boil. Take the pot off the fire and blend with the flour all in one. Heat upon low heat and stir until the mixture a completely blended and shining, about 2 minutes.
  • Get the pot off the heat and blend the eggs one by one. Mix very hard with a spetula whils pressing and turning. The mixture should be smooth and shining.
  • Fill up a piping bag with the mixture and make rounds on a baking paper. Choose the size you like.
  • Bake the profiterolles. 20 Minutes for small ones and 30 minutes for big ones.
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Crème brulée

Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 2 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 4 pax


  • 3,5 dl Cream
  • 1 piece Vanilla pod
  • 2 dl Milk
  • 9 pieces Egg yolk
  • 100 g Sugar


  • Preheat the oven at 100°C.
  • Cook the milk, blended with cream and vanilla pod.
  • After cooking, cool down a bit.
  • Blend the egg yolks with the sugar. Pour the warm milk mixture on to the egg yolks and mix well. Pass it through a fine sieve and pour into cups.
  • Bake during approx. 1 hour in the oven. The middle of the cream should be a bit soft. Let it cool down.
  • Sprinkle the surface with a thin layer of sugar. Caramelise under a grill or burn with a gas burner.


N.B. de 'moderne' chef koks hebben dit klassieke gerecht veranderd door een aantal toevoegingen, zoals-,
  • vruchten sappen
  • cactus sap
  • kokosnoten melk
  • sinaasappel schil bij de room tijdens het verwarmen hiervan
Let wel op, de zuurgraad van de vruchten veranderen de samenstelling!
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Pain de campagne

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
Course Bread
Servings 1 bread


  • 450 g Flour
  • 30 g Whole grain flour
  • 1,5 tsp Seesalt
  • 200 g Sour dough or
  • 20 g fresh yeast 3 grams fresh yeast = 1 gram dry yeast
  • 325 ml water


  • Mix both types of flour with the salt in a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Put in the dimple and pour water on it. First stir the dough with the water to a thick batter and then gradually work the flour through it to create a fairly soft dough. Depending on the thickness of the sourdough, it may be necessary to add some flour or water spoons. Work well for 10 minutes on a floured work surface until the dough feels very smooth and elastic. Back into the bowl, cover with foil and allow to rise in a warm place until the volume has doubled. This takes 2 to 3 hours. Pour the leavened dough into a ball and dust it with flour. Put a linen tea towel in a basket or colander and put the dough in it. Close with a large, slightly inflated plastic bag and let rise in a warm place until the volume is doubled. Heat the oven to 230 degrees by the end of the rising time. Heat the baking sheet in the oven. Place the dough ball on the hot plate and cut the top quickly with a sharp knife. Push in the hot oven and quickly spray some water in the oven. Bake 30 to 35 minutes. The bottom should sound hollow, then it is good. Cool on a grid.
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Gratin Dauphinois

Course Side dish
Servings 6 pax


  • 500 g Potatoes mid size
  • 0,5 l Milk
  • 1 pcs eggs
  • 60 g Butter
  • 125 g Gruyere cheese grated
  • 1 pinch Nutmeg
  • 1 clove Garlic


  • Bring the milk to the boil and let cool.
  • Peel and dry the potatoes, cut them in 2 mm thin circles, sprinkle with some salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg, and mix well. Put this mixture in a bowl.
  • Beat the egg, pour it through a fine sieve and beat it through the lukewarm milk. Stir two thirds of the Gruyere through the potatoes. Pour in so much milk that the potatoes are covered with it. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Check for pepper and salt
  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Rub the inside of an ovenproof dish with garlic and butter, pour in the mixture, which should not exceed 6 to 7 cm.
  • Fill the dish up to a maximum of 1 cm below the edge, place the potato slices in it, roof-tile. Wipe the edge carefully. Sprinkle the rest of the grated gruyere and the butter in flakes over it. Optionally, some stiff cream may be added.
  • Put the dish in the preheated oven for 60 to 90 minutes, until you have a creamy, creamy puree with a nice brown short.
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Crème anglaise

Servings 1 liter


  • 1 l milk
  • 1 pcs Vanilla pod
  • 1 pcs Lemon zest
  • 160 g Sugar
  • 10 pieces Egg yolk


  • Bring the milk with the vanilla pod and lemon zest to the boil. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar. Pour the boiling milk over the egg yolks while stirring, then return to the heat. Heat to 82/83 Cº, keep stirring.
  • Strain the cream and let the cream cool well under a piece of foil to prevent skin from forming.
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Melanzane alla Parmigiana

Course Side dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 pax


  • 1 pcs egg plant
  • 100 g Mozarella
  • 3 pcs Tomato
  • 50 g flour
  • 2 dl olive oil
  • 25 g Cheese. Parmesan
  • 2 tblsp Basil


  • You can make this recipe in different shapes. The first is a dish with elongated slices of eggplant, stacked like a lasagna with tomato slices or tomato sauce and mozzarella. The other form is in aubergine circles, so that you build a turret. The preparation is the same for both forms.
  • Cut the eggplant into slices of approximately 5 mm. Sprinkle with salt and let stand on a rack for half an hour so that the moisture draws out. Then pat them clean with kitchen paper. Peel the tomatoes, cut into slices and fry in some olive oil until the moisture has disappeared. Sprinkle the flour on a plate, heat the olive oil to frying temp (180°C), roll the eggplant slices in the flour and fry immediately. Put as much as possible in the pan. They cannot touch each other. Bake until they see a little brown. Grease a baking dish with oil, put the eggplant slices in here, put the sliced mozzarella on top and again the fried tomato slices. Put some basil leaves on top and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Put in the oven for 25 minutes, 175°C, at least the mozzarella must have melted. This dish can be served hot or cold.
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Vegetable broth

Course Soup
Servings 40


  • 4 pieces Leek
  • 8 pieces Onion Spanish onion
  • 12 pieces Celery
  • 1000 g cerleriac
  • 4 pieces Parsnip
  • 2 pieces Fennel
  • 1000 g Mushrooms
  • 4 pieces Carrots winter carrot
  • 8 cloves Garlic
  • 16 tbsp Herbs mixed, whatever is in the kitchen
  • 2 bunch Parsely
  • 2 tbsp Pepper whole, black grains
  • Sea salt
  • 10 l water


  • Wash and peel all the vegetables. Cut into large pieces. An option is to roast the vegetables in a hot oven, this gives more flavor. Add to a pan with garlic, herbs, parsley, pepper grains and 0.5 tsp salt. Add water until everything is covered in the pan. Boil and softly simmer for one hour.Pour the mixture through a sieve and keep only the cooking water. Try to squeeze as much moisture out of the vegetables as possible.Heat the pan once again and allow the broth to simmer for 15 minutes on low heat.
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Scallop tartar with white chocolate sauce

Servings 6 persons


shrimp oil

  • 2 dl Olive oil
  • 400 g Shrimp whole raw and unpeeled
  • 0.5 pieces Garlic chopped


  • 20 ml peanut oil
  • 150 g Carrots sliced
  • 50 g leeks only the white. thin rings
  • 30 g Fennel thin strips
  • 45 g Mushrooms thin slices
  • 15 pieces Peppercorns
  • 0.5 pieces Shallot thin rings
  • 0.5 tsp Coriander seed
  • 70 ml Vermouth
  • 1 sprig Parsley
  • 2 dl Fish stock reduced to 50 ml
  • 1.35 dl Whipped cream
  • 1.5 dl Milk
  • 30 g Chocolate. white minced meat plus extra shavings

scallop tartare

  • 6 pieces Sint Jaobs mussels brunoise 5 mm
  • 10 g Lemon brunoise 2 mm
  • 1,5 tsp Chives chopped
  • 3 tsp Walnut oil
  • 0.25 tsp Sherry vinegar

Finish up

  • 6 pieces of Sint Jaobs mussels in 3 packages
  • 30 g caviar black
  • 12 Pea shoots


shrimp oil

  • Heat the oil in a large pan until very hot. Place the shrimp in the pan, remove from the heat and shake until the shrimp are pink. Let them cool in the oil, drain and keep the oil behind. We do not use the shrimps, but you can eat them.


  • Heat the oil over medium heat in a pan. Add the chopped vegetables, garlic, peppercorns and coriander seeds and cook until vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Add the vermouth and reduce over medium heat until syrupy. Add parsley, fish stock, whipping cream and milk. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil and let it cool off the heat. Strain it into a clean pan.

scallop tartare

  • Mix the scallops with the pickled lemon (or lemon juice), chives, walnut oil, vinegar and salt. Divide the mixture between the plates using a small ring mold (5 cm).

Finish up

  • Gently heat the foam and stir in the chopped chocolate until it melts. Add salt. Pour some oil on a plate and dip the scallop slices in it. Season them with salt and fry them briefly in a hot, dry pan. Place the scallop rounds, baked side up, on the tartare and garnish with caviar, pea shoots and chocolate shavings. Use a stick blender to froth the chocolate foam and pour the foam around the tartare. Drizzle some shrimp oil on the foam and serve immediately.
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Russian salad

Course Aperitif
Servings 20 pax.


  • 800 g Aardappelen
  • 8 tbsp Olie
  • 3 tbsp Azijn
  • 100 g Doperwten
  • 2 pieces Granny smith apples
  • 8 pieces pickles
  • 1 Ui
  • 250 g Rundvlees
  • 10 tbsp Mayonaise
  • 10 pieces Kwartelei


  • Peel the potatoes and carrots. Cut the carrots, celeriac and onion in brunoise. Boil the potatoes until well cooked. Boil the carrots, onion and celeriac with the bay leaf until well cooked. Make with the potatoes, milk and butter a creamy puree and add the vegetables. Serve with beef.
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