Pommes Parisien


  • 1 kg potatoes
  • goose or duck fat
  • flat parsely


  • Peel the potatoes and cut small balls with pommes Parisien cutter.
  • Boil some water and blanch the potatoe balls until half done. Get them out of the water and let them cool down quickly.
  • Heat the fat in a pan en bake the potatoe balls until they are golden brown. Serve with sea salt and some chopped parsely.
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Entrecote with persillade


  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 50 g parsley
  • 1 piece lemon
  • 4 pieces anchofish
  • 4 slices entrecote
  • butter



  • Mix all garlic, parsley, lemon zestes and anchofish well to get a pasta.


  • Heat the grill to the highest temperature.
  • Take the entrecotes and brush them lightely with olive oil. Put them on the grill and grill about 2 minutes at both sides.
  • Let them rest a few minutes and pet a few slices butter and the persillade on one side of the meat. Place the meat for a short while under a grill to melt the butter.
  • Serve with pommes Parisienne, baked in duck fat.
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Course Side dish
Cuisine Israel
Servings 6 pax


  • 250 g Kikkererwten
  • 2 bags baking soda 5 gram per bag
  • 2 cloves Knoflook pressed
  • 275 g tahin
  • 1 pcs Citroensap
  • 1 tblsp Zout
  • 1 branch Peterselie
  • 1 pinch Paprikapoeder
  • 0,5 pcs Citroenschil



  • Soak the chickpeas for at least 12 hours in plenty of water with a bag of baking soda dissolved in it. Drain and bring the peas to the boil with clean water and the second bag of baking soda. Make sure they are approximately 3 centimeters below. Put the lid on the pan and reduce the heat. The peas are ready when they start to fall apart. Go out for about 45 minutes, but don't be surprised if it takes twice as long.


  • Collect the cooking liquid when draining the chickpeas. Puree the peas when they have cooled slightly in the food processor and add the garlic, raw techina and the juice of 1 lemon. Let the food processor run for at least 10 minutes. Add small splashes of cooking liquid to the choemoes to dilute, but leave it slightly thicker than the creamy puree that it should eventually become. Add some lemon zest if necessary. Season with about a teaspoon of salt and maybe some lemon juice. Good tasting is crucial! Only when the choemoes are perfectly flavored, do you dilute them with some cooking liquid to its desired thickness.

To plate

  • Spread the choumous with the convex side of a spoon over a plate. Form a crater in the middle. The trick is to keep the spoon still and turn the plate. Place the separately kept chickpeas in the crater and fill with olive oil. If you have forgotten to keep chickpeas behind, feel free to open a small can of chickpeas. Sprinkle with paprika and parsley, garnish with a dash of olive oil and serve.
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The perfect croissant

Prep Time 3 minutes
Total Time 3 minutes
Course Pastry
Cuisine Frans
Servings 15 croissants


Levaine starter

  • 200 g Flour
  • 200 g water


  • 12 g dry instant yeast
  • 200 g water
  • 560 g Flour
  • 30 g Butter
  • 70 g Sugar
  • 1 pcs Egg
  • 15 g heavy cream
  • 10 g Salt
  • 70 g levaine starter

Butter block

  • 280 g Butter

Egg wash

  • 2 pcs Eggs
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 dash Milk


Levaine starter

  • Day 1 In a large mixing bowl at least twice the size of your mixture, combine 50g (3⅓ tbsp) flour and 50g (3⅓ tbsp) water and mix with a spatula until evenly com- bined. Loosely cover with a dish towel or cheesecloth and leave at room temperature spot for 24 hours.
  • Day 2 Add another 50g (3⅓ tbsp) flour and 50g (3⅓ tbsp) water, mix with spatula to combine. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.
  • Day 3: Add another 100g (6⅔ tbsp) flour and 100g (6⅔ tbsp) water, mix with spatula to combine. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.
  • Day 4: Remove 20 percent of the levain mixture from the container and discard. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.
  • Day 5: Check if your levain is ready to use. It should be light, bubbly, and fluffy, and have a pronounced fermenta- tion aroma without any acidity. If it’s not quite there, “feed” the levain again each day with equal parts flour and water that’s equal to the weight of the levain, until it’s ready.


  • In a small bowl, stir together the yeast and room temperature water until dissolved. Combine the flour, butter, sugar, egg, cream, salt, 68g levain, and yeast mixture in a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook. Start mixing on the lowest speed and mix for 1 minute, then increase the speed to medium and mix about 3 to 4 minutes more, until the dough is just combined. When finished, the dough will be rough and have very little gluten development. It will also be elastic and come out of the bowl as one piece.
  • Lightly grease a medium bowl with nonstick spray. Transfer the dough into the bowl and cover with plas- tic wrap pressed directly on the dough, to prevent a skin from forming. Proof the dough in a warm spot until doubled in size, 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Remove the plastic wrap and punch down the dough by folding the edges into the center, releasing as much of the gas as possible. Invert the bowl of dough and allow the dough to fall onto a piece of plastic wrap, then shape the dough into a 10-inch (25cm) square. Place the dough, still on the plastic wrap, on a sheet pan and cover with another sheet of plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight.

Butter block

  • Draw a 7-inch (18cm) square on a piece of parchment paper with a pencil. Flip the parchment over so the butter won’t come into contact with the pencil marks. Place the softened butter in the center of the square and cover with another sheet of parchment paper. Use an offset spatula or bench scraper to spread the butter evenly to fill the square. Refrigerate overnight. Tip: It’s important that the butter is truly softened to make forming the butter block easy. Once perfectly room temperature, the butter will be spreadable and have the consistency of cream cheese.


  • Remove the butter mixture from the refrigerator and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes to become pliable enough to work with. It should still be soft enough to bend slightly without cracking. If it is too firm, gently beat it with a rolling pin on a lightly floured work surface until it becomes pliable. Make sure to press the butter back to its 7-inch (18 cm) square after working it.
  • Lightly flour your work surface. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, making sure it is very cold throughout. Place the dough on the work surface. Arrange the butter block in the center of the dough so it looks like a diamond in the center of the square (rotated 45 degrees, with the corners of the butter block facing the center of the dough sides). Pull the corners of the dough up and over to the center of the butter block. Pinch the seams of dough together to seal the butter inside. You should have a square slightly larger than the butter block.
  • Lightly dust the work surface with flour to ensure that the dough won’t stick. With a rolling pin, using steady, even pressure to roll out the dough from the center so that it triples in length. This will take several passes and you may need to add more flour in between rolling to keep the dough from sticking to the surface and rolling pin. When finished, you should have a rect- angle about 20 by 10 inches (50 by 25 cm) and ¼ inch (6 mm) thick.
  • Place the dough so the shorter sides run left to right. From the top side, fold one-third of the dough onto itself, keeping the edges lined up with each other. From the bottom side, fold the remaining one-third of dough on top of the side that has already been folded. Line up all the edges so that you are left with a smaller rectangle. This technique is called a “letter fold,” since the dough is folded as if it were a piece of paper going inside an envelope. Wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap and place on a sheet pan. Re- frigerate for about 1 hour to relax the gluten.
  • With the seam always facing to the right, repeat steps 3 and 4 for your second and third folds. After the third fold, refrigerate the dough for 1 hour.
  • Lightly flour the work surface and lay the dough flat. Trim about ½ inch of dough from each side to make a neat rectangle. Using a ruler, start from the left side and score the dough every 3 inches (8 cm) along the bottom edge until you reach the right side of the dough. Make the first score on the top edge 1½ inches (4 cm) from the left end. Continue scoring the top edge every 3 inches (8 cm). These staggered marks should give a nice guideline for cutting triangles. Use a large chef’s knife to connect each score mark on the top with the two at the bottom on either side of it. The isosceles triangles should measure 3 inches (8 cm) wide and 10 inches (25 cm) long. There will be narrow triangles of dough left over at each end. Place the cut triangles on a parchment paper-lined sheet pan, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Remove the dough triangles from the refrigerator, and make sure there is no flour on your work surface. Working with one triangle at a time, hold the base of the triangle with one hand and use the fingertips of your other hand to lightly grasp the triangle near its base and gently stretch it an additional 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 cm) in length, pulling your fingers toward the tip and being careful not to tear the dough. Tip: Stretching out the dough not only gives you more to roll, it also relaxes the dough.

Roll and shape

  • Starting at the wide end, roll the croissant dough to- ward the tip, keeping steady and even pressure as you roll, until it comes to a rest on the tip of the triangle. When finished, make sure the tip of the dough is on the bottom of the croissant or else it will unravel in the oven. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Place the croissants on the sheet pan about 4 inches (10 cm) apart. Lightly lay a piece of plastic wrap over the croissants and refrigerate overnight.


  • Remove the tray of croissants from the refrigerator. Keep them lightly covered in plastic wrap. Let stand at room temperature until tripled in size, about 2 to 3 hours.
  • Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) for conventional or 350°F (175°C) for convection. In a small bowl, make the egg wash by whisking together the eggs, salt, and milk. Gently remove the plastic wrap from the croissants. Lightly brush the croissants with the egg wash, mak- ing sure not to apply too much pressure to prevent deflating the croissants. Bake on the center rack for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool briefly.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Canneles Bordelaise

Servings 8 canneles


  • 0,5 pcs stick Vanilla
  • 25 g Butter soft
  • 2,5 dl milk
  • 125 g sugar
  • 1 pcs Egg yolk
  • 1 pcs Egg
  • 25 ml likor
  • 60 g Flour
  • 1 pinch salt



  • Put the milk in a pan and bring to the boil with the scraped vanilla pod. Leave to boil for 5 minutes. Then remove the vanilla pod.
  • Put the butter in a bowl and stir au bain marie creamy. Remove the bowl from the water and add the sugar, egg yolk, egg, flour, salt and liqueur. Stir well, but don't beat, no air is needed. Pour in the warm milk and stir well with a whisk. Leave in the fridge for at least 12 hours.


  • Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Grease all cannelés well with butter or fat. Fill the molds for two thirds. Bake the canneles for 30-35 minutes. Then take them out of the oven and let cool. Remove them from the molds when they are still hot, otherwise they will stick to the molds.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Ravioli stuffed with mushrooms and its sauce

Servings 4 persons



  • 200 g pasta flour
  • 120 g eggs
  • salt
  • 1 piece egg white to brush
  • 2 branches thyme


  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 30 g dried mushrooms
  • 1 piece shallot
  • butter to fry

Mushrooms sauce

  • 400 g mushrooms
  • 100 g mushrooms to garnish
  • 50 g dried mushrooms
  • 1 piece shallot
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 200 g cream
  • butter
  • 1 glass white wine



  • Make the pasta with the ingredients. You can alter the number of eggs by using only egg yolks. This make the pasta more delicate. Keep the weights as mentioned. By making the pasta, keep some of the flour apart. You can add this when the pasta is too sticky.

Mushroom stuffing

  • Chop the shallot and garlic. Let the dried mushrooms soak luke warm water for 15 minutes. Clean the mushrooms if necessary and cut them into fine slices.
  • Melt the butter in a pan and fry the shallot and garlic. Before they turn brown you add the mushrooms, add the thyme. Fry on middle heat until the mushrooms are done and dry.
  • Get them out of the pan and let cool down. Add salt and pepper and set aside.

Mushroom sauce

  • Chop the shallot and garlic. Let the dried mushrooms soak luke warm water for 15 minutes. Clean the mushrooms if necessary and cut them into quarters.
  • Melt the butter in a pan and fry the shallot and garlic. Before they turn brown you add the mushrooms. Fry on middle heat until the mushrooms are brown. Add the wine and reduce until the liquid becomes thicker. Add the cream and cook and reduce a while until you get a nice colored and thich sauce.
  • Cut the mushrooms for the garnish into big slices and bake until brown. Set aside.

Finish the raviloi

  • Roll the dough into sheets, rather thin, number 5 or 6 on the pasta machine.
    Put the slices on a flour powdered surface, this prevents the sticking of the ravioli.
  • Brush the dough with egg white and put small piles of the mushroom suffing on one of the sheets. Cover this sheet with another sheet and gently close the ravioli with you fingers. Try to push out the air. Finally shape the ravioli with a tool you like.
  • Bring a pot of salted water to the boil, heat the mushroom sauce and cook the ravioli for a few minutes.
  • Serve on plates and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with the slices of mushrooms and a branch of thyme.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Eggplant in coconut sauce

Sarak Terong

Cuisine Bali
Servings 4 pax



  • 50 g Shrimps dried
  • 100 g peanuts with fleece
  • 150 g Coconut grated
  • 2 tsp. palm sugar
  • 2 pcs Egg plants
  • 1 stem sereh
  • 500 ml coconut cream
  • 1 pcs Lemon


  • 6 pcs challot
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 3 pcs lombok
  • 3 cm Laos
  • 4 cm kunjit
  • 4 cm Ginger
  • 0,5 tp Cumin
  • 2 tsp ketoembar



  • Soak the shrimps in water for 15 minutes. Drain and drain.
  • Bake the peanuts brown in hot oil and drain on kitchen paper. Fry the coconut until golden brown in a dry frying pan. Mix the shrimp, peanuts and coconut with the palmsugar and grind in the blender to a fine litter.


  • Peel and chop the shallots and garlic. Cut the lomboks in half lengthwise and remove the seeds and seeds. Cut them small. Peel and grate the laos and the koenjit. Peel the ginger and finely chop. Mix with the cumin and ketoebar and rub half in the mortar into a paste.


  • Cut the egg plants into round slices. Coat the slices with oil and grill them on both sides in a grill pan or frying pan.

Coconut sauce

  • Heat oil in a wok and fry the crushed and knotted sereh on medium heat. After 3 minutes add the unrubbed bumbu and stir fry to a high heat, about 3 to 4 minutes. Then add the other half of the bumbu and lower the heat. Let the bumbu cook for 5 minutes and then add the coconut cream. Bring to temperature and allow to thicken to the desired thickness. Season with salt and pepper.


  • Make a thicker stripe of the sauce on a preheated plate. Place the slices of eggplant on top of one another and sprinkle with the litter. Sprinkle again with lime grater.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Sweet acid from cucumber

Acar ketimun

Servings 4 pax


  • 1 ps Onion
  • 3 clove Garlic
  • 2 cm Ginger
  • 1 pcs Lemon
  • 1 dl Rice vinegar
  • 1 el Sugar
  • 3 el Ginger syrop
  • 2 pcs Cucumber
  • 1 el Sunflower oil
  • 1 tl Sesam oil
  • 2 pcs Spring onion
  • 1 branche Parsely
  • 1 branche Mint



  • Peel and chop the onion very small. Peel and grate the ginger. Mix together with the lime juice and rice vinegar in a deep bowl. Add the sugar, a pinch of salt and the ginger syrup.
  • Add the sunflower oil and sesame oil. Mix well and taste. It must taste nice sweet and sour.


  • Peel the cucumber, cut in half lengthways and remove the seeds. Then cut the cucumber into thin julienne. Mix 2 tsp salt and leave to withdraw. After half an hour, rinse the strings of cucumber under the tap and drain in a sieve.
  • Put the cucumber in a deep bowl and pour the dressing over it. Stir briefly and let cool in the refrigerator.


  • Cut the spring onion into thin, oval slices just before serving. Chop the mint and the parsley.
  • Sprinkle the cucumber with the herbs, spring onions and lime zest and serve immediately.
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[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Paris Brest – – Soezendeeg: water, Suiker, Zout, Boter (in blokjes), Bloem (gezeefd), eieren, ei (voor het bestrijken), Crème mousseline: crème patisserie extra, luchtige botercrème, hazelnootpralinepasta, Garnering: Amandelschaafsel, Poedersuiker, Verwarm de oven voor op 180ºC. ; Doe het water, de suiker, het zout en de boter in een steelpan en verwarm langzaam. Als de boter gesmolten is haal je de pan van het vuur. Er moet zo weinig mogelijk vocht verdampen om de verhoudingen niet te verstoren.; Voeg de bloem in 1 keer toe en roer goed door met een houten lepel of spatel. Blijf roeren tot de bloem volledig is opgenomen. ; Zet de pan dan weer terug op het vuur middelhoog, en klop nog 60 seconden om het deeg te laten drogen. Doe het deeg dan in een kom om het koken te stoppen.; Voeg de eieren al kloppend en roerend een voor een toe. Stop zodra de eieren geheel zijn ogenomen en het deeg mooi glanst.; Maak op een ingevette en met bloem bestoven bakplaat afdrukken met een uitsteekvorm ter grootte van de wielen voor de Paris Brest.
; Doe het deeg in een spuitzak met gladde spuitmond. Spuit deegcirkels op het bakpapier en bestrijk ze met wat geklopt ei.; Strooi wat amandelschaafsel over het deeg en verwijder het teveel door de plaat tegen het werkblad te tikken en schuin te houden.; Bak de soezen 25 minuten op 180ºC. Houd de oven dicht.
Laat daarna de soezen afkoelen op een rooster.; Crème mousseline: Klop de botercrème zo luchtig mogelijk.
Klop de crème patisserie glad en voeg hier de botercrème aan toe, vervolgens de hazelnootprolinepasta en klop tot alles goed opgenomen is.; Samenstellen: Snijd de soezen met een kartelmes horizontaal doormidden.
Doe een gekartelde spuitmond in een spuitzak en vul met de crème mousseline. Spuit een laag op de onderste helft van de soezenringen. Leg de bovenste helft en zorgvuldig op en bestuif met poedersuiker.; – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

Pasta vongole

Servings 4 persons


  • 70 gram Sea lavender
  • 750 gram vongole
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 2 pieces tomatoes
  • 1 piece Shallot
  • 1 pinch Cayenne pepper
  • 10 cl white wine
  • 1 handful parsley
  • Olive oil
  • 30 grams beurre manie butter and flour in equal amounts.


  • Rinse the shells under cold water and sort them.
  • Saute the shallot in the olive oil. Add the diced tomatoes and garlic and deglaze with the white wine.
  • Then put the shells in the pan, put the lid on and bring it to the boil.
  • When the shells open, shake the pan briefly.
  • Turn off the heat under the pan and drain into a bowl to save the liquid for the sauce.
  • Cook the sauce in a saucepan and stir in the beurre manie until the sauce is thick. Add some cream if necessary.
  • Put the cooked pasta in the sauce and add the shells as well.
  • Sprinkle over the sea lavender, parsley and cayenne pepper and stir to combine. Serve hot.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!