Daube de boeuf

Servings 8 persons


marinated beef

  • 1/2 oxtail
  • 500 g beef
  • 500 g chuck
  • 4 pcs carrots
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 2 pcs white onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 pcs untreated orange
  • 15 corns peppercorns
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 1 bottle red wine

Cooking the stew

  • The pieces of beef marinated in their bowl
  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 liter chicken broth



  • Cut the meats into 2 to 3 cm cubes by the butcher. Degrease them.
  • Then prepare the marinade. Peel and wash the carrots, the celery stalks, and cut them into whistles. Peel the onions and garlic cloves: cut the onions into small wedges and crush the garlic cloves. Cut the orange into slices. Collect all these products in a bowl. Add the peppercorns and thyme. Pour in the red wine and marinate for 48 hours in the refrigerator.

Cooking the stew

  • Heat the oven to 150°C. Drain the meats and put aside. Filter the marinade directly into a colander placed on a saucepan. Boil the wine from the marinade for 2 minutes, skimming it carefully.
  • In a cast iron casserole dish, heat a drizzle of olive oil and brown the meat cubes on all sides. Stir them several times. Then remove them with a skimmer and put the aromatic garnish instead, but without the oranges. Stir well for 2 minutes then sprinkle the flour and let it cook. Lower the heat and stir again. Return the beef pieces and orange slices to the casserole dish. Pour in the marinade wine, then the poultry broth at height: the liquid should just cover the meats. Salt lightly and boil, skimming well. Then cover the casserole dish and bake for 3 hours.
  • Take out the casserole dish. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Serve the stew in its casserole dish or dress it in a deep dish.


  • If the sauce is too long, put the casserole dish on the heat and let it reduce. Otherwise, add what you need of poultry broth.
  • With the leftovers of this stew, you can prepare, for example, whole pasta in a casserole dish. Or ravioli.
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Lamb ragû

Course Entree meat
Cuisine Italian
Servings 1 kg


  • 1 kg peeled tomatoes
  • 300 g lamb shoulder minced
  • 300 g red wine
  • 100 g onion and carrot mire poix
  • 20 g olive oil
  • 20 g butter
  • salt
  • Pepper


  • Heat the butter and fry the vegetables cut in mire poix until they are soft.
  • Heat the oil and fry the salted lamb. Then add the vegetables and add the wine. Then reduce to half.
  • Add the tomatoes and let simmer with the lid, also reduce again by half. Season with salt and pepper.
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Almond paste


  • 500 g Almond powder
  • 0,5 pcs lemon
  • 500 g sugar
  • 2 pcs eggs beaten


  • Put all dry ingredients in the cutter. Turn it on and slowly add the eggs until the mixture has reached the right consistency.
    This paste should rest for a few days to optimize its flavours..
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Panna cotta with caramel sauce

Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian
Servings 700 ml


Panna cotta

  • 700 ml Cream
  • 1 pod Vanilla
  • 80 g Sugar fine sugar
  • 3 leave Gelatine
  • 1 tblsp Rhum

Caramel sauce

  • 100 g Sugar fine sugar
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 el water
  • 250 ml Cream
  • Sea salt


Panna cotta

  • Scrape the vanilla pod out with a blunt knife. Place the gelatin leaf in plenty of cold water. Put three quarters of the cream in a pan with the sugar, the vanilla pod and the vanilla marrow. While stirring, bring to a boil over medium heat. Let 30% of the boil down, this means that after boiling, there is 30% less weight in the pan. So occasionally weigh while cooking. Write down the weight of the pan at the beginning and weigh the pan with the cream. Also write down the weight of the cream. A quick calculation, but it is for a good cause, namely a divine panna cotta. You can also look closely with some experience. When air bubbles bubble up slowly, the cream is sufficiently reduced and nicely thick.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and add the squeezed gelatin leaf. Stir well so that the gelatin dissolves completely. Then remove the vanilla pod and let the cream cool. Stir occasionally to prevent skin formation.
  • When the cream has cooled down and is still liquid, beat the remaining cream to yogurt thickness and rinse the molds for the panna cotta with the rhum.Scoop the whipped cream through the cooked cream, making sure it remains airy. Pour the mixture into the molds and put in the fridge until the whole is set.

Caramel sauce

  • Put the sugar with a few drops of lemon juice and the water in a saucepan. Mix well. Then heat without stirring until the water has evaporated and the caramel starts to color. Let it get quite dark (note, this goes very quickly). Then add the cream while stirring. Watch the hot steam, put a cloth around your arm and hand, otherwise you will burn. Put a pinch of salt in the caramel and stir into a nice smooth syrupy sauce.


  • Remove the panna cotta from the molds. This can be done by standing in hot water for a while and then tipping over, or scraping the edge with a knife. Place them on a plate and spoon some of the caramel sauce over or next to the panna cotta.
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MOF MOF means minimum of fuss, maximum of flavour.

Tiramisu MOF MOF

Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 pax


  • 75 ml cream
  • 2 pcs egg yolks
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 400 gram Mascarpone
  • 1 tblsp Milk
  • 18 pcs Lady fingers Savoyardi
  • 4 dl espresso coffee
  • 0,5 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 4 tblsp Kahlua or Tia Maria
  • Cacao powder Decoration


  • Make the coffee, stir in 1 quarter of the sugar and let it cool. Stir in the liqueur. Break all the long fingers into pieces so that they fit into the molds.
  • Mix the egg yolks with three-quarters of the sugar and the vanilla extract.
  • Beat the cream until stiff. In another bowl, add the milk to the mascarpone, stir it through. Stir the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture. Then beat the egg yolk mixture through the mascarpone.
  • Put some lady fingers on the bottom of your cup / jar / glass and pour a tablespoon of coffee over it. Then make a layer of the mascarpone mixture. This is possible with a spoon, the best thing is a piping bag with a cartel nozzle.
  • This way you keep making layers until your jar is full. So after the cream again lady fingers, coffee and mascarpone mixture. That's how you keep going. Finish with a dash of mascarpone and sprinkle some cocoa powder over the tiramisu.Put in the fridge until 15 minutes before serving.
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Course Side dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings 500 grams


  • 100 g Bleekselderij
  • 10 g Pijnboompitten
  • 50 ml Olijfolie
  • 1 pcs Aubergine in cubes
  • 0,5 pcs Courgette in cubes
  • 1 pcs Paprika, rood in cubes
  • 2 cloves Knoflook chopped
  • 2 pcs Rode ui rings
  • 0,25 tblsp Tijm
  • 0,25 tblsp Oregano
  • 75 g green olives
  • 10 g Raisins
  • 13 g Brown sugar
  • 15 ml Red wine vinegar
  • 3 leaves Basilicum
  • 25 g Kappertjes chopped


  • Wash the celery, pull the threads off with a peeler and cut the stems into 1 cm pieces. Blanch them in salted water, drain and let cool quickly. Pat dry and set aside. Roast the pine nuts without oil. Bake the bell pepper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and set aside. Now fry the onion rings, garlic and herbs and zucchini on low heat until the onions turn glassy.
  • Fry the eggplant cubes in the oil in the same pan and season with salt and pepper. Bake gently. Drain on kitchen paper.
  • Then add the onion, zucchini, bell pepper, olives, pine nuts and raisins and simmer for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with the brown sugar, pour over the vinegar and heat for another 5 minutes. Finally add the celery, basil and capers. Serve warm or leave it for another day. Then the flavors absorb well.
  • The caponata goes very well with swordfish.
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tomato sauce

Cooked tomato sauce base

Course Sauce, Veganistisch, Vegetarian
Cuisine Italian
Servings 1


  • 150 g Carrots mirepoix
  • 150 g Onion mirepoix
  • Olive oil extra vierge
  • 1 kg tomatoes canned
  • 150 cl sauerkraut juice
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 3 pcs hibiscus flowers
  • 140 g tomato paste
  • 2 branches celery


  • Cook the vegetables until done over low heat in some olive oil.Add the tomato paste, bake and extinguish with white wine, a Chardonnay. Then add the tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes in the pan without the lid.
  • Put the sauerkraut juice and baking powder in the sauce and stir well. Put the pan in the oven at 80ºC and let it stand overnight. The sauce turns black at the top and you stir it.
  • Pass the sauce through a passe vite and let cool. You can freeze the sauce.
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Course Deeg
Cuisine Wereld
Servings 650 gram


  • 1 stuks Ei
  • 120 ml Zonnebloemolie
  • 1 tl Bakpoeder
  • 1 el Azijn
  • 125 g Yoghurt
  • 0,5 tl Zout
  • 375 g Bloem
  • 30 g Maizena
  • 1 tl Bloem


  • Voeg in een kom het ei, bakpoeder, zout, azijn, yoghurt en olie bij elkaar en meng goed homogeen.
  • Doe er dan de gezeefde bloem door. Meng tot een deeg ontstaat en kneed even door. Het deeg moet zacht en soepel zijn. Verdeel in 32 stukjes en maak hier balletjes van. Bedek ze met folie of een doek en laat 15 minuten rusten.
  • Meng de maizena met de bloem en rol hierin de balletjes. Rol alle balletjes heel dun uit en gebruik ruim maizena om het plakken tegen te gaan. Stapel alle velletjes op elkaar. Bebloem alle velletjes et wat maizena.
  • Rol dan de stapel velletjes heel dun uit. Rol af en toe een laagje terug en bestrooi met maizena. Probeer zoveel mogelijk laagjes met maizena te bestrooien. Dat zorgt ervoor dat het deeg tijdens het bakken laagjes vormt. Rol zo dun mogelijk uit en gebruik het deeg meteen. Anders dek je het af met een doek, want het droogt snel uit. Je kunt ook de velletjes invriezen, doe er dan een velletje bakpapier tussen, anders plakt alles aan elkaar.
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Pangsit with pork and shrimps

Course Aperitif
Cuisine Thailand
Servings 30 pieces



  • 1 pcs spring onion or small leek 20-30 cm length
  • 150 g Shrimps peeled and chopped
  • I00 g ground pork
  • 1 el saam-gler
  • 3 el Soya sauce
  • 2 tl Sugar
  • 50 g Water chessnuts in cubes
  • 30 pcs spring roll sheets 13 cm in diameter
  • 1 liters vegetable oil to deep fry


  • sweet chili sauce


  • Cut the spring onion or small leek lengthwise into 5-7 mm wide strips. Cut just as many strips as you have egg roll sheets. Place the strips in the boiling water bowl for 30 seconds and then let them cool in the cold water. Drain them, pat them dry and set them aside.
  • In a large bowl, mix the prawns with the pork mince, the samler, soy sauce and sugar and water chestnuts. Cover them with plastic wrap and put them in the fridge for at least 10 minutes before use.
  • Place a spring roll on your work surface and scoop 1 teaspoon of the filling in the middle. Bring the edges of the sheet together and tie them together with a strip of spring onion or leek. Put a double button in it for safety's sake. Repeat this with the rest of the sheets and filling.
  • Heat the oil to fry in a wok or frying pan to 180° C, or until a piece of bread turns brown in 30 seconds. Divide the pangsits into portions and fry for 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. Scoop them out of the wok with a skimmer and let them drain on a piece of kitchen paper. Serve with sweet chili sauce.
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Lamb shoulder with candied apricots

Lamb shoulder with candied apricots

Course Main course meat
Cuisine Frans
Servings 4 pax


Lamb shoulder

  • 1 pcs Lamb shoulder
  • 40 cl Lamb juice
  • 20 pcs Abrikozen gedroogd
  • 10 branch Tijm

North African spicies

  • 20 g cardamom powder
  • 45 g Venkelzaad
  • 20 g Korianderzaad
  • 12 g Kaneelstokje
  • 30 g black pepper
  • 6 g Kurkuma
  • 20 g Gemberpoeder

Onions confit

  • 4 pcs White onion
  • 6 cloves Knoflook


African spices

  • Crush the herbs separately in a mortar. Then mix them with the 4 herbs, cardemom powder, turmeric and ginger powder. Put away until use

Lamb shoulder

  • Preheat the oven to 80ºC.
  • Clean the shoulder with grease and membranes. Cut the meat regularly. Season the shoulder with fleur de sel and 5 g of the African spice mixture.

Roasting of the shoulder

  • Heat a dash of olive oil in a pan. Roast the shoulder over medium heat until they are nicely browned. Deglaze with water, broth or wine. Add 30 cl of lamb gravy.
  • Put a lid on the pan and roast in the oven for 3 hours at 80ºC. Arrange regularly. Add the apricots and bake for another 30 minutes.

Candied onions

  • Peel and finely onion the onions and remove the core. Peel the garlic. heat a dash of olive oil in a pan. Let the onion gently fry for 10 minutes. Season with fleur de sel.
  • Then add the garlic and cook until it is nicely soft. Then raise the heat a little to caramelize.

Finish and service

  • Remove the lamb's shoulders from the pan and cut into nice portions. Heat the plates and place the shoulder here. Arrange the candied onion on the plate, together with the apricots.
  • Sieve the cooking gravy and mix with the lamb gravy and some thyme and chicken broth. Season with salt and pepper. Then put in a gravy bowl.
  • Serve separately with the gravy in the bowl.
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