Sauteed razorfish with garlic and pomegranate

Course Entree fish
Cuisine Dutch
Servings 4 pax


  • 300 g Razorfish
  • 3 el Olijfolie
  • 2 tenen Knoflook slices
  • 3 el Peterselie flat, chopped
  • 100 ml medium dry sherry
  • 200 g Lamsoren
  • 40 pieces Granaatappel seeds


  • Rince the fishrazors under streaming water and let them leak.
  • Chop the red onion and put into the vinaigrette sauce.
  • Heat olive oil in a sautee pan and pan fry the garlic slices until shiny.
  • Put the razorfish in the pan and sprinkle the parsley over them. Pour the sherry and sautee the fishrazors for about 4 minutes until they all opened. Let the liquid vaporise.
  • Heat up one tablespoon olive oil and panfry the lamb ears shortly, about 3-4 minutes. Add pepper to the taste.
  • Put the lamb ears on the plates and put the fishrazors on top of them. Sprinkle the juice with the garlic over them and sprinkle the onions and pomegranate seeds over them. Serve immediately.
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Sour dough

Course Bread
Cuisine Dutch
Servings 300 grams


Day 1

  • 100 gram water
  • 75 gram Roggemeel
  • 25 gram wheat flour

Day 2

  • 100 gram mixture of last day
  • 50 gram Roggemeel
  • 25 gram wheat flour
  • 75 gram water

Day 3

  • 100 gram mixture of last day
  • 50 gram Roggemeel
  • 25 gram wheat flour
  • 75 gram water

Day 4

  • 100 gram mixture of last day
  • 15 gram Roggemeel
  • 60 gram wheat flour
  • 75 gram water

Day 5

  • 100 gram mixture of last day
  • 100 gram water
  • 100 gram wheat flour


Dag 1

  • Take a clean pot and add water, rye flour and wheat flour. Stir together with a clean spoon. Scrape the wall of the tray clean. Put the lid (loosely) on the tray and leave the mixture at room temperature for 24 hours.
  • You may already see some bubbles, but that is not necessary. The mixture can also smell something, does not matter. This unpleasant odor disappears during the following days.

Dag 2

  • Stir everything together with a clean spoon. Scrape the wall of the container with a pancake. Put the lid (loosely) on the tray and leave the mixture at room temperature for 24 hours.

Dag 3

  • Stir everything together with a clean spoon. Scrape the wall of the container with a pancake. Put the lid (loosely) on the tray and leave the mixture at room temperature for 24 hours.

Dag 4

  • The mixture must now be active and doubled in volume. After 24 hours it can be reduced to the level after the diet of day 3. If the mixture does not double, repeat day 3, if it doubled you continue with the specified quantities.
  • Stir everything together with a clean spoon. Scrape the wall of the container with a pancake. Put the lid (loosely) on the tray and leave the mixture at room temperature for 24 hours.

Dag 5, 6 en 7

  • If the mixture has doubled in volume (or even tripled) in the last 24 hours, your starter is almost ready for use. From now on you only feed / change the mixture with water and wheat flour.

Dag 6

  • Stir everything together with a clean spoon. Scrape the wall of the container with a pancake. Put the lid (loosely) on the tray and leave the mixture at room temperature for 24 hours. If the mixture can double or triple in day 7 in 6 - 8 hours, your dese is ready for use. You can also change the mixture from day 5 every 12 hours with the above ingredients to obtain an active desem that consists of only wheat flour.
  • If you need more of it, you can give it more nutrition by, for example, replacing 100 grams of the desem with 200 grams of water and 200 grams of wheat flour (1: 2: 2). You can also enter / refresh the part that you would otherwise throw away.
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Course Main course meat
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 persons



  • 4 pcs slices veal shanks of about 300 grams
  • 1 pcs Onion chopped
  • 2 pcs sems celery slices
  • 3 tblsp olive oil
  • 1 big glass dry white wine
  • 1 can cubes of tomatoes
  • 200 ml veal stock
  • 1 leave bay leave
  • 1 clove garlic


  • 1 pcs lemon zestes
  • 1 bunch Parsely
  • clove garlic


  • Preheat the oven to 120ºC.
  • Pick the parsley leaves from the stalks. Keep the leaves separate and finely cut the stalks. Scrub the lemon well under lukewarm running water and remove 2 strips of zest with a peeler. Grate the rest of the lemon zest on a fine grater and save this lemon zest.
  • Sprinkle the flour over a plate and mix in some salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir the veal shanks into the flour and shake off the excess. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and fry the shanks on both sides until light brown. Add the onion, celery and finely chopped parsley stalks and fry for a few minutes. Pour the white wine into the pan and let it sparkle. Add the tomato pieces, the stock, the lemon peel, the bay leaf and a pinch of salt and bring everything to the boil. Place a lid on the pan and slide it into the middle of the oven. Let the shanks stew for 2 hours.
  • Meanwhile, make the gremolata: peel the garlic clove and finely chop it. Finely chop a hand of the retained parsley leaves. Sweep the garlic and parsley together in a pile on the cutting board, also add the lemon zest and finely chop these three together.
  • Check the ossobuco. It is ready when the meat almost automatically releases itself from the bone. Allow to simmer a little further if necessary.
  • Sprinkle with the gremolata before serving.
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Beetroot tartare

Course Entree, Vegetarian
Cuisine Frans
Servings 4 pax



  • 400 g Bieten Cooked, preferably smoked
  • 40 g Bosui Finely chopped
  • 40 g Augurken Fine brunoise
  • 40 g Kappertjes Finely chopped
  • 10 g Mosterd 3 kinds
  • 50 g Tomatenketchup
  • 2 pcs Egg yolk
  • To the taste Worcestersaus
  • To the taste Tabasco
  • To the taste Peterselie
  • To the taste Fleur de sel
  • To the taste Peper black, stoned and chopped
  • To the taste Peper Espelete

Beetroot carpaccio

  • 40 g Beetroot carpaccio
  • 10 cl Olijfolie
  • 5 cl Citroensap
  • 0,5 pcs Lemon zestes


  • 8 pcs Radijs White, Thin slices
  • 0,25 pcs Radijs Black, Thin slices
  • 50 g Green herbs mixture
  • Naar smaak Vinaigrette
  • 20 slices Parmesan cheese
  • 50 g Parmesan cheese grated


  • 4 branch Peterselie
  • 4 branch Bieslook
  • To the taste Fleur de sel
  • To the taste Peper black

Egg yolk

  • 2 dl Room
  • 1 pinch Cumin
  • 1 pinch Kaneel
  • 1 pinch cloves powder
  • 1 pinch Sechuan pepper
  • 4 slices wortelen blanched
  • 4 drops Olijfolie



  • Finely chop the beets with a chef's knife. Mix with the egg yolks and other ingredients.

Beetroot Carpaccio

  • Cut the beet into thin transparent slices with the mandolin. Place the slices in the marinade to cook in acid.


  • Cut the radishes into thin slices. Peel the black radish and cut into thin slices. Role in the form of a rose. Marinate them just before serving with the marinade. Plan slices of the Parmesan cheese. Grate the Parmesan cheese. Turn the oven to 150ºC and sprinkle the cheese on a gel pad. Let it melt and remove from the oven when it starts to turn light brown. Put away until it has cooled down and then lay over a shape, for example a rolling pin, to harden.


  • Mix the green herbs with the vinaigrette and place on the plates. Continue with the crunchy parmesan waffles, slice of parmesan cheese and herbs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Egg yolk

  • Beat the whipped cream until it no longer runs out. Mix during the beating with the spices.
  • On the tartare, place a dot with whipped cream. Place a slice of carrot on top of it and press it down, so that an edge of cream is created. Drop a drop of olive oil on the carrot so that it is completely covered.
  • Stick the thin slices of radish around the tartare.
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Potatoe pie

Course Side dish, Vegetarian
Cuisine Frans
Servings 4 pax


  • 400 g Pound dough
  • 100 g Boter
  • 1,5 kg sticking potatoes peeled and in slices of 3 mm
  • 225 g Ui thin slices
  • salt and pepper
  • 4 el parsley and tarragon chopped
  • 1 pcs Egg yolk egg yolk whisked with a little milk
  • 1 pinch Nootmuskaat
  • 2 dl Slagroom


  • Heat the butter in a large frying pan and fry the potatoes with the onion for 5-6 minutes on a not too high heat. Stir often. The potatoes must be pliable and cooked for one third. Stir in the salt, spices and herbs. Put everything in a colander to drain and cool.
  • Roll two-thirds of the dough into a 3 mm thick disc. Line a lightly greased pie ring of 22 cm diameter and put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  • Heat the oven to 180 ° C and prick the dough. Divide the potatoes.
  • Roll out the rest of the dough into a 23-24 cm slice. Brush the edge of the pie base with egg. Wrap the second disc loosely around the rolling pin and roll it over the potatoes. Remove the excess dough and squeeze the 2-3 mm in the edges to seal them; it must be a nice edge. Roll out the trimmings and cut leaves. Brush the top of the dough with egg and place the leaves on it. Brush also with egg and draw on it with the tip of a knife 'veins'. Cut a 'chimney' in the middle and insert a funnel of aluminum foil to allow the steam to escape.
  • Put the pie in the oven for 45 minutes; check the cooking time by inserting a thin pin through the chimney - the potatoes should be easy to pierce. Put the pie on a rack and carefully remove the ring. Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan, let it bubble for 2-3 minutes and stir in salt and pepper. Pour through the chimney with small bits at the same time and add the next drizzle only when the previous one has been absorbed (in total about 20 minutes). Cut the pie on the table warm.
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Chocolate icecream with caramelized and salted macadamia nuts

Course Ice cream
Cuisine Dutch
Servings 8 pax


  • 25 g pure chocolade 70% cacao
  • 55 g Room
  • 30 g Grape sugar
  • 50 g Eidooier
  • 335 g Melk
  • 30 g Melkpoeder
  • 0,5 g Zout
  • 2 g Piment
  • 25 g Cacaopoeder
  • 60 g Suiker
  • 100 g Macadamianoten caramelized and salted


  • Finely chop the chocolate and put it together with the whipped cream in a fire-resistant bowl. Place the bowl in ice cold water.
  • Add the grape sugar and egg yolk in another bowl and whisk until fluffy and light yellow.
  • Mix the milk powder, sugar and salt.
  • Add this to the milk, piment and cocoa powder in a pan.
  • Stir the mixture well with a whisk.
  • Heat the pan on the stove on a small pit until 85˚C.
  • Then, pour a quarter fo the heated milk mixture into the bowl with the whisked egg yolk. This is called "making a wedding".
  • Stir well using a whisk and pour the mixture into the pan.
  • Increase the temperature of the fire and continue stirring the mixture with a whisk until it reaches a temperature of 85˚C.
  • Pour the warm mixture directly into the bowl with the cooled whipped cream and cocoa. Mix this.
  • Let the composition cool down to room temperature or place it in the fridge until you prepare the ice cream.
  • Chop the caramelized macadamia nuts into chunks and add to the cooled mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into the ice cream machine and let turn until the preferred consistency.
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Chocolate soufflé

Cuisine Dutch
Servings 8 pax


  • 130 g Chocolade 70%
  • 2 el Cognac
  • 0,25 l Melk
  • 20 g Bloem
  • 30 g Boter
  • 20 g cacao
  • 4 pcs Eidooier
  • 6 pcs Eiwit
  • 100 g Suiker


  • Brush the souffle bowls very well with butter and sugar, this is very important.
  • Melt the chocolate au bain marie (e.g. above boiling water)
  • Put the flour in a small pan. Stir the milk and butter in the flour and bring slowely to the boil. Cook about 2 minutes and then add the chocolate powder. Take the pan away from the heat and stir well. Add one by one the egg yolks, melted chocolate and cognac. Cover the mixture with cling film and leave until usage.
  • Heat up the oven to 190ºC. Whisk the egg whites with a inch of salt. As soon as they start to stiffen, add the sugar. Thean add the chocolate mixture and stir gently with a spetula. Pour the mixture into the bowls and bake for approximately 10-15 minutes. Serve immediately.
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Olive caviar

Course Side dish
Cuisine Frans
Servings 100 gram


  • 200 g green olives for 100 gram juice
  • 2 dl Olijfolie
  • 1 g Agar agar


  • Place a bowl of olive oil in the freezer. Blanche the olive three times. Rinse well with cold water after each time. After blanching, puree in a juice extractor until it is juice.
  • Pour this juice in a pan, add agar agar and bring to a boil while stirring with a whisk. Then, mix with a blender and allow to cool down a bit. But, make sure it stays above 40ºC, otherwise the fluid will solidify.
  • Suck the olive juice with a syringe and then drop into the ice-cold olive oil. There they form drops. Store in the refrigerator until use.
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Dutch shrimp croquettes

Course Aperitif
Cuisine Dutch
Servings 15 pieces


Shrimp stock

  • 1 pcs Sjalot
  • 10 gram Boter
  • 300 gram water
  • 1 kg Dutch shrimps Unpeeled


  • 80 gram Boter
  • 100 gram Bloem
  • 250 gram Melk
  • 250 gram shrimp stock from above
  • 6 gram Gelatine welled in cold water
  • 2 pcs Eidooier
  • 50 gram Room
  • Peper white
  • Zout
  • Cayennepeper
  • Few drops Tabasco
  • 1 tblsp Peterselie chopped


  • Bread crumbs fine
  • Bread crumbs big
  • 5 pcs Eiwit
  • 10 gram Bloem
  • Sunflower oil To deepfry


Shrimp stock

  • Peel the shrimps (per kg, approximately 300 g of shrimp is left over) and keep the caps. Fry the shallot in a bit of butter. Stir in the shrimp caps and add water. Bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool down. Pour the stock through a sieve and collect the fluid. Throw away the shrimp caps. There still remains 5/6 of the stock. Let it cool down.


  • For the roux, melt the butter in a pan with a thick bottom. Let the butter fizz, but prevent it from turning brown. Use a whisk to stir in the flour. Let the mixture continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes until it is of a golden-yellow color and the mass releases from the pan. Gradually pour the broth and the milk into the roux at the same time, adding a little after the previous quantity has been absorbed. Keep stirring.
  • Let the ragout cook for a while until the flour is tender. Taste, and remove the pan from the heat when the ragout shines and no longer tastes mealy. Stir in the squeezed gelatine leaves.
  • Whisk egg whites and cream together. Incorporate the egg mixture with the ragout. Season with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and a couple of drops of tabasco. Add the peeled shrimp and then the chopped parsley to the ragout and stir. Cover the ragout and place in the fridge overnight.


  • Use an ice cream scoop to make balls of ragout, approximately 60 g each. Roll these through the fine bread crumbs on the work place, until forming the shape of a croquette. Whisk the eggs and add the flour. Dip the croquettes in the egg mixture, and then dip them into the big bread crumbs. Fry the croquettes in oil at 180°C for 3 minutes.
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Shrimp curry

Course Side dish
Cuisine Sri Lanka
Servings 6 pax


  • 1 pcs Ui
  • 5 cloves Knoflook
  • 1 pcs Tamarinde
  • 1 pcs pcs Limoen
  • 2 Stuks Cloves
  • 2 Seeds Kardemon
  • 1 slice Gember
  • 0,5 can Kokosmelk
  • 0,5 can water
  • 500 g Garnalen raw, not cooked yet
  • 100 g curry paste
  • 5 threads Saffraan


  • Peel shrimp and remove intestine
  • Marinate in curry pasta and salt and lime juice and leave for at least 20 minutes.
  • Fry the onion and garlic and ginger in the oil
  • Add coconut milk and water
  • Saffron, Add tamarind, cloves, cardamon and stir until it boils.
  • Then add the shrimp and cook and stir for 3 minutes.
  • Then add lime juice and lime zest and tomato and let stand for 10 minutes. The taste becomes deeper.
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