Chocolate truffles with Ruby chocolate

Servings 24 pieces



  • 1 piece vanilla pod
  • 225 gr cream
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 175 gr butter at room temperature

Raspberry sugar

  • 250 gr icing sugar
  • 20 gr freeze-dried raspberries


  • 400 gr ruby ​​chocolate melted



  • Cut open the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. Put both the marrow and the stick together with the cream, sugar and salt in a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil. When the mixture boils, remove the pan from the heat and keep stirring until all the sugar has dissolved. Cover the pan with a lid and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Remove the vanilla pod from the cream. Beat the butter for a few minutes until fluffy. Gradually add the vanilla cream and continue beating. The mixture should eventually be easy to spray. If it is too thin, place it in the fridge for 10-15 minutes and then continue whisking. If the mixture has split, heat the bowl briefly in a bain-marie and then continue to whisk.
  • Line a plate or dish with baking paper and place the filling in a piping bag with a smooth nozzle of 1 – 1 centimeters. Pipe elongated truffles onto the baking paper. Place the plate with sprayed truffles in the freezer for at least 1 hour (longer is allowed).

raspberry sugar

  • Place the powdered sugar with the freeze-dried raspberries in a food processor and grind the raspberries fine. Sift the sugar with a fine sieve, so that any pips from the raspberries remain.

Making the chocolate truffles

  • Take a few frozen truffles at a time from the freezer and dip them in the melted ruby ​​chocolate. This is best done by inserting a sturdy skewer into the truffle and dipping the truffle through the chocolate, or by using a wire fork. Make sure the whole truffle is covered, knock off the excess by tapping the side of the bowl with the toothpick. Push the truffle over the raspberry sugar from the stick and cover the truffle on all sides with the sugar. Leave in the raspberry sugar for a few minutes until the chocolate is hard.
  • Do this with all truffles. Once the truffles have hardened, place them in a fine sieve and carefully shake off the excess sugar from the truffles.
  • Store the truffles in the fridge or freeze them for longer. Remove the truffles from the refrigerator in time so that the filling can soften a bit.
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Servings 8 persons



  • 5 pieces eggs splitted
  • 100 g sugar
  • sea ​​salt
  • 200 g almond flour
  • 1 tblsp honey

almond praline

  • 100 g sugar
  • 60 g coarsely chopped almonds


almond praline

  • Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • Heat the sugar and chopped almonds in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Do not stir and continue until the sugar turns brown. When the sugar is a nice caramel color, remove the pan from the heat and pour the caramel with almonds onto the baking paper. Let cool and then break them into pieces.

pie dough

  • Preheat the oven to 175°C. Line a 23 cm cake tin with baking paper.
  • Place the egg yolks, sugar and salt in a bowl and beat until smooth. Add the almond flour and honey and beat until well blended.
  • In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Fold in one third of this into the almond mixture to make "family". Then carefully fold in the rest of the egg whites. It should be as light as possible. Pour the batter into the cake tin and sprinkle the praline over it.
  • Bake the cake for about 30 minutes until set. Allow to cool in the tin, but take it out when it is still a little warm.
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Fiocchi di neve

Servings 28 fiocchi


  • 250 gram Manitoba flour
  • 250 gram flour
  • 80 gram Sugar
  • 300 gram Whole milk at room temperature
  • 10 gram Fresh brewer's yeast
  • 30 gram Butter at room temperature
  • 4 gram Salt
  • ½ pod vanilla


  • 1 peice Yolks
  • 15 gram Whole milk


  • 150 gram Cow's milk ricotta
  • 150 gram Fresh liquid cream
  • 25 gram Powdered sugar
  • 0,5 piece Lemon zest


  • 200 gram Whole milk
  • 60 gram Sugar
  • 20 gram Corn starch
  • 10 gram Wildflower honey
  • ½ pod vanilla


  • To prepare the snowflakes, first dissolve the yeast in the milk at room temperature. Then in the bowl of a planetary mixer equipped with a hook add the two flours, the milk in which you dissolved the yeast, sugar and the seeds that you have taken from half a vanilla pod. Work everything at medium speed for a couple of minutes, until the mixture is smooth. When the dough sticks well to the hook, add the soft butter, one piece at a time.
  • Run the machine again. When it is well absorbed, add the salt and continue to work until the dough is well strung, for about 5 minutes.
  • Then transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and pirlat it with your hands, so as to give it a spherical shape. Transfer to a bowl, cover with cling film and let it rise for about 1 hour and a half, at room temperature (about 25-26 degrees C). After this time the dough will not double in volume but will grow a little. Transfer it to the work surface and take parts from which you will obtain pieces of 30 g. Once you will finish the dough, you will have got 28 pieces.
  • Shape each portion of the dough by placing it on the work surface in order to obtain a precise sphere. Gradually transfer the balls to a baking tray lined with parchment paper, spacing them well between them because they will grow a little further. Cover with cling film and let rise for another 1 hour and a half, always at room temperature.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the ricotta cream. Pour the liquid cream into a bowl and whip it with the electric whisk until it is firm, then place it in the refrigerator. In another bowl, work the ricotta with a spatula (or a whisk) to soften it, then add the icing sugar and the grated zestes of a lemon and continue to work until it is smooth and homogeneous.
  • Now add the ricotta to the whipped cream that you left in the refrigerator and gently incorporate it with the spatula, making movements from the bottom upwards. When the ricotta cream is ready, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator.

Milk cream

  • Pour the milk into a saucepan with the sugar. Bring it to the heat and stir to dissolve the sugar. Then add the honey and the seeds that you have taken from the vanilla pod. Then add the cornstarch, stirring with a spatula to blend it and stirring constantly with a whisk, to avoid the formation of lumps, cook the cream for a few minutes until it thickens and veils the spatula. Transfer it to a low and large bowl, cover with cling film and let it cool first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.
  • When the balls have risen to a small bowl, beat the egg with the milk and use it to gently brush the surface of the balls. Bake in a static oven at 180 ° for about 18 minutes, until they are golden brown.
  • Take the cold cream again and work it with a whisk to smooth it, then add it to the ricotta cream and mix gently from the bottom upwards so as not to disassemble it. Transfer the mixture into a bag with a smooth nozzle , long and thin. Store in the refrigerator until ready for use.
  • As soon as the snowflakes are golden brown, take them out of the oven and let them cool. Then, using a smooth nozzle, gently pierce the base and fill them with the cream, always squeezing gently with the pastry bag. Transfer them gradually onto a tray, then sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.


  • Snowflakes can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Before serving, sprinkle them with icing sugar.
  • The rolls can be frozen empty in a food bag.


  • Fill the flakes when they are still slightly warm to facilitate the abundant filling with the ricotta cream.
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Servings 500 gram


  • 200 gram abrikozencoulis
  • 100 gram suiker
  • 15 gram bladgelatine
  • 300 ml slagroom
  • 1 stuks kaneelstokje of steranijs
  • Werkwijze


  • Verwarm de abrikozencoulis met het kaneelstokje en week de gelatineblaadjes in water.
  • Los de geweekte gelatine op in de abrikozencoulis.
  • Laat de abrikozencoulis afkoelen tot dat hij hangend is.
  • Sla de slagroom met de suiker tot yoghurtdikte.
  • Maak familie met een klein beetje slagroom bij de abrikozencoulis.
  • Meng daarna de rest met elkaar en stort in glaasjes.
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Servings 2.5 dl


  • 1 bunch parsley leaves
  • 0.5 bunch coriander leaves
  • 1 bunch oregano leaves
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 dl olive oil
  • 4 tbsp water
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 2 pieces Cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tsp chili flakes
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Puree the fresh herbs, garlic and chili flakes in a blender until smooth.
  • Dissolve the salt in the water, made slightly warm.
  • Add water, oil, vinegar and dried herbs and pepper. Also add the tomatoes.
  • Taste and adjust to taste if necessary. Leave for an hour until you use it.
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Duck sauce

Servings 0.4 liter


  • 75 g sunflower oil
  • 10 cloves garlic
  • 225 grams hoisin sauce
  • 75 grams sesame oil
  • 150 grams chicken stock or duck stock
  • soy sauce to taste


  • Heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan over medium heat and fry the garlic for a few minutes.
  • Add the hoisin sauce, sesame oil and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, stir well and reduce to 2/3.
  • Season the sauce with soy sauce.
inspired by: Sausbijbel
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Servings 1 liter


  • 1,6 kg zachte mispels
  • 400 g harde mispels
  • 2 stuks citroenen
  • 1 stuks zure appel
  • 500 g geleisuiker
  • 30 g sosa gelcrem


  • Verwijder eventuele blaadjes en rotte stukjes aan de mispels (zacht en donkerbruin is de bedoeling, echt rot moet je verwijderen).
  • Snij de vrucht doormidden en leg ze in een grote pan.
  • Snij de citroenen en de appel in kwarten en voeg deze ook toe.
  • Giet er water bij, zoveel dat al het fruit onderstaat.
  • Breng het geheel aan de kook, zet het vuur lager en laat het met de deksel op de pan een uur zachtjes sudderen.
  • Om een mooie heldere gelei te krijgen, roer je niet teveel in de pan.
  • Zorg dat het water niet verdampt, voeg indien nodig wat extra water toe.
  • Giet de inhoud van de pan, met behulp van een zeef met een kaasdoek, in een andere pan.
  • Laat het sap rustig uitdruppelen; je kunt het fruit rustig roeren of uitdrukken, maar niet teveel.
  • Laat het geheel een nacht uitdruppelen.
  • Het resultaat is een heldere vloeistof.
  • Kook de volgende dag van het sap de gelei.
  • Meet af hoeveel sap je hebt.
  • Voeg per 1,25 L sap 500 g geleisuiker speciaal toe.
  • Heb je niet genoeg sap? Voeg dan water toe totdat je 1,25 L hebt.
  • Roer het geheel door, breng het goed aan de kook en laat het een minuut stevig doorkoken.
  • Schep de gelei in schone, hete jampotten en draai de deksel erop.
  • Laat het rustig afkoelen dan is de gelei minimaal een jaar houdbaar.
  • Voor het dikker maken van de gelei kun je 2 á 3% gelcrem van Sosa gebruiken.
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Eclairs a la violette

Servings 15 eclairs


Crispy layer

  • 65 g butter
  • 85 g flour
  • 80 g sugar

Dough for puffs

  • 17 cl milk
  • 70 g butter
  • 1.5 tsp sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 100 g flour
  • 3 pieces eggs


  • 5.5 dl milk
  • 40 g butter
  • 105 g egg yolk
  • 120 g sugar
  • 30 g flour
  • 35 g cornflour
  • 7 drops violet food coloring


  • 200 g fondant violet
  • 75 g raspberry jam
  • 300 g clear glaze
  • 1 pinch violet food coloring


Crispy layer

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Knead until smooth and then put in the fridge for a while.
  • Then roll it out between two sheets of baking paper.

Dough for puffs

  • Prepare the choux pastry as in the recipe.
  • Place the dough in a piping bag with nozzle number 16.
  • Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray and pipe 10 cm long sticks on it. Keep enough distance so that they don't bump into each other while baking.
  • Place a rectangular piece of crispy layer on each bar.
  • Bake the éclairs at 180°C, 35 minutes. Occasionally open the oven to allow the moisture to escape.


  • Make the pastry cream according to the recipe and add the drops of food coloring. Let cool. Place the cream in a piping bag with nozzle No. 10.

Finishing and decoration

  • Use tip 6 to make three holes in the bottom of each éclair and pipe in the pastry cream.
  • Roll out the violet fondant between two sheets of baking paper and cut into rectangles of 10 x 2 cm.
  • Pipe a few drops of raspberry jam on the éclairs and place the fondant on top.
  • Cover with the clear glaze and optionally with silver sugar pearls.
Source: Le Gordon Bleu
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Servings 550 grams


  • 400 grams granulated sugar
  • 40 grams white syrup
  • 1,3 dl water
  • sunflower oil


  • Mix the sugar, the white syrup and the water and heat to 113°C.
  • Lightly grease a marble or stainless steel workbench with some sunflower oil.
  • Pour the sugar syrup mixture on this.
  • Spoon back and forth with a putty knife until the mass turns white.
  • Spoon the mixture into a container, moisten the top with some water and seal the container.
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Rode bieten marinade


  • 20 cl donkere karamel
  • 5 g witte chocolade
  • 1 mespunt zout
  • 5 druppels citroensap
  • 1 el bietensap


  • Maak de karamel van suiker en water.
  • laat een beetje afkoelen en voeg de witte chocolade toe, goed roeren.
  • voeg de overige smaaakmakers toe en het bietensap. Eventueel wat dikker maken met nog wat witte chocolade.
  • In deze marinade geroosterde bietenplakjes leggen.
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