Quince jelly

Servings liter


  • 3 kg quinces
  • 500 g sugar per liter juice


  • Wipe the quinces well with a cloth. Cut the fruits into quarters and put them in a pan well covered with water. Bring everything to a boil. Cook over medium heat until the quinces are almost falling apart. Cover it all and let it sit overnight.
  • The next day, scoop the fruit from the juice. Pour the juice through a sieve lined with a double layer of cheesecloth.
  • Set the juice aside and cook the quinces one more time. Then press them through a sieve and then through a cheesecloth. Add this juice to the juice from the first time.
  • Measure the amount of juice in a measuring cup and add the sugar. Add 500 grams of sugar to 1 liter of quince juice.
  • Bring the quince juice with the sugar to a boil. Reduce to about 2/3. Place a saucer in the fridge or freezer and drop a drop of juice on it. If it feels firm, the jelly is ready.
  • Meanwhile, rinse the jars and lids and the ladle in hot water with soda or put it in a pan of boiling water. Drain the jars and lids. Fill the jars completely as soon as possible, screw on the lid and turn them upside down.
Okke: https://www.kweepeer.nl/recepten/kweepeer-gelei/
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Tian de légumes au banon

Servings Personnes


Les légumes

  • 4 poivrons rouges
  • 3 aubergines longues
  • 5 courgettes
  • 1 banon
  • 1 gousse d'ail
  • 1 c.à s. d’huile d’olive
  • 1 c.à s. de jus de citron

Le dressage

  • 1 feuille de gélatine
  • 200 g de bouillon de légumes ou de volaille


Les légumes

  • Grillez les poivrons au four à 200°C. Lorsqu’ils sont colorés sur toutes les faces, débarrassez les dans une boîte hermétique. Laissez les refroidir puis épluchez les.
  • Taillez les aubergines en tranches un peu épaisses, sans les éplucher. Écartez la première et la dernière tranche qui ne sont que de peau. Cuisez les à la poêle ou au four (10 minutes à 150° C).
  • Réalisez la même opération avec les courgettes.
  • Mixez le banon avec l'huile d'olive, le jus de citron et l'ail afin d’obtenir une pâte homogène.

Le dressage

  • Montez la terrine en intercalant les légumes en tartinant une très fine couche de crème de Banon entre chaque couche de légumes, en commençant par les poivrons, soit dans des moules ronds individuels, soit dans une terrine en fonte ou en aluminium, ou en terre. Un plat à tarte rond convient aussi.
  • Faites tremper la gélatine à l’eau froide.
  • Faites chauffer le bouillon de légumes puis ajoutez la gélatine égouttée. Coulez le bouillon gélatiné sur la terrine. Réservez au froid durant 24 heures.
  • Vous pouvez servir tel quel ou avec un coulis de tomates au basilic ou au pesto d’herbes sauvage, ou une vinaigrette aux herbes. Vous pouvez aussi servir froid en accompagnement d’une viande ou d’un poisson qui lui serait chaud ou froid.
Academie du goût
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Pumpkin soup with coconut cream

Course Soup
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax


  • 1 Pieces flespompoen
  • 2 Liters Bouillon
  • 1 Pieces Sjalot
  • 1 Tablespoon curry
  • 1 Cm ginger root
  • 1 Pieces Big carrot
  • 0,5 liters coconut cream


  • Clean the pumpkin and cut it into coarse pieces. Remove the seeds. Cut the carrot into slightly smaller pieces, because those get slower cooked.
  • Chop the shallot finely and cook in oil or butter. Not too hard, slowly so that the shallot does not color but becomes soft.
  • Peel the ginger root and cut into small pieces.
  • Put the broth in the pan with the cooked shallot and bring to a boil. Add the pumpkin and carrot and cook them.
  • By the end of cooking time, add the ginger and curry.
  • When the vegetables are cooked, make them fine with the hand mixer. Add the coconut cream and season with salt and a little pepper.
  • Serve in a bowl or on a plate and sprinkle some olive oil over it.
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Celeriac gratin

Course Side dish
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax


  • 1 Kg Knolselderij
  • 4 Pieces Eieren
  • 4 Dl Room
  • 4 Cloves Knoflook


  • Peel the celeriac and cut into very thin slices on the cutting machine. Mix the remaining ingredients with a hand blender and season high with salt and pepper. Place the slices celeriac in the mixture for 15 minutes so they can absorb some moisture. Lubricate an appropriate roast ing sled with a thin layer of oil and place the celeriac slices evenly into it. Press very well and make sure it's just under the cream. Cover with baking paper, lightly press and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C. Remove the baking paper and weight and bake it for another 10 minutes at 180°C. Put it away under light pressure for 4 hours, so you can cut tight slices from it. Heat in the oven just before serving.
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White leek and green apple and Matcha tea

Course Vegetarian
Cuisine Frans


  • 4 pieces rode bietjes small
  • 4 pieces Prei Thin leeks, the white parts
  • 2 tblsp Olijfolie
  • 1 pieces Granny smith
  • 0,5 pieces Citroen
  • 20 g Boter salted
  • 1 tsp groene Matcha thee powder
  • Sojasaus
  • 2 tsp Sesamolie
  • 1 tsp Mierikswortel grated
  • 1 branch Basilicum


  • Cook the beets in the oven at 250ºC wrapped in aluminum foil. Depending on the size, this takes 30 minutes to 1 hour. Cut the white of the leek into pieces of 2 cm and braise them in the olive oil over low heat until al dente. Cut the green apple and lemon into wafer-thin slices on the mandolin or slicer. Fry them over medium heat in a frying pan with the butter, without coloring them.
  • Peel the beets when they are done and cool a little. Cut them into slices and arrange them on a bowl with the leek, lemon and apple. Spoon the baking liquid of the leek, apple and lemon over it, sprinkle with the tea and season with the sesame oil, soy sauce and grated horseradish. Possibly some salt and pepper.
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Brussels sprouts couscous with pumpkin

Course Side dish
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax


  • 200 g Spruitjes
  • 100 g Pompoen
  • 1 tblsp Olijfolie


  • Clean the sprouts and chop them in the food processor.
  • Cut rounds of the pumpkin, put them on a baking sheet and drizzle with some olive oil. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes, preheated to 200ºC.
  • Fry the sprouts of couscous in the frying pan, season to taste and serve in rings. Cover with the roasted pumpkin. Sprinkle the pumpkin with some Maldon salt.
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Burrata with coeur de boeuf tomatoes and strawberries

Servings pax


  • 1 pieces burrata
  • 2 pieces Tomato cour de boeuf
  • 8 pieces Strawberry
  • 8 Oregano
  • naar smaak Olive oil
  • 8 branches Chives
  • 8 pieces Flowers


  • Cut the tomatoes into slices. Cut the burrata's in two or four (to the quantity you like) pieces. Place the tomatoes on a plate, together with the strawberries, which are cut into halves. Put the burrata on top and garnish with the herbs. Sprinkle with the olive oil, Maldon salt and flowers. Serve immediately.
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Beetroot in puff pastry, stuffed with goat cheese

Course Entree, Vegetarian
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax.



  • 3 pieces Beetroot
  • 4 slices Puff pastry
  • 100 g Geitenkaas
  • 1 Egg yolk


  • 50 g Bloem
  • 10 g Cornstarch
  • 40 g Melk
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tbsp Green herbs



  • Cook the beetroot until done. This takes approx. 1 hour. You should be able to poke the beetroots with a knife. Allow to cool and peel. Cut into equally-sized cubes with as little waste as possible. Drill a hole in the middle of each piece, 1 cm in diameter, with an apple drill. Stuff this hole with soft goat cheese.


  • Place the flour and cornstarch in a bowl. Add milk to this while whisking. Then, add the egg, and finally the herbs. Place aside for 15 minutes. Then, bake them in an elongated shape on both sides. Place aside to cool.


  • Place the stuffed beetroots next to each other with the hole in the same direction. Roll out the puff pastry until it has the appropriate size to cover the beetroots. Wrap the flange around the beetroots and place it all on the puff pastry. Close it by carefully wrapping the puff pastry around the flange. Brush the sides with egg yolk and close. Cut away any surplus puff pastry. You could use this for decoration. Brush the outside with egg yolk and bake in the oven at 180ºC, until the pastry is golden brown. This takes approx. 20 minutes. Cut open when it is still hot.
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Course Main course meat
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax.


  • 1 Ui
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1 piece bay leaf
  • 3 pieces Kruidnagels
  • 400 g Beef shoulder
  • 2 tbsp Bloem
  • Zonnebloemolie
  • 330 ml Bier or 800 ml veal stock
  • 2 tbsp Red wine vinegar
  • 1 pieces Dutch 'ontbijtkoek' Or gingerbread


  • Peel the onion and cut half finely. Peel and cut garlic finely. Prick the bay leaf onto the other onion half with the cloves. Cut the meat into cubes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir the meat cubes in the flour. Heat a casserole and add sunflower oil. Add the meat cubes and bake until the surface is brown. Add the onions and garlic. Add the beer and 0.5 liter water (if not adding beer, add 0.8 liter stock). Add the half onion with the bayleaf to the sauce. Cover the pan with the lid and turn the heat low. Cook and stew the meat for approximately 3 hours. Stir once and a while. Add the stock and vinegar after 30 minutes. Remove the lid from the pan so that the sauce can evaporate. Cut the Dutch 'ontbijtkoek' in cubes and add to the sauce. Remove the half onion with bay leaf out of the pan. Season to taste with pepper.
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Sauerkraut stew

Course Main course
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax


  • 1,5 kg Aardappelen
  • 500 g Zuurkool
  • 10 cl Melk
  • 100 g Boter
  • 20 cl Room
  • 10 stuks Jeneverbessen
  • 1 tl Komijnpoeder


  • Cook the potatoes and peel after cooking.
  • Cook the sauerkraut with the junipers in water and cream in 20 minutes. Remove the junipers after cooking.
  • Make a mash potato of the potatoes with the milk and butter. Stir very well so you bring in air in the mixture. Bring to the taste with pepper and salt and cumin.
  • Take a ring and put it on a plate. Put the sauerkraut on the bottom and cover with the mash potato.
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