About Leo Keijzer
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Leo Keijzer contributed a whooping 1852 entries.
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Cheese gnocchi
Cut 50 grams of rind from the Comté and set aside. To make the cheese water: In a medium pot, bring 1 liter of water to a simmer, add the reserved Comté rind, and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid through a fine-mesh strainer and discard the solids. In a blender, […]
Stuffed mushrooms
31 October 2016 /0 Comments/by Leo KeijzerRoll of zucchini with creamy cheese and chives
31 October 2016 /0 Comments/by Leo KeijzerExcellent endive stew
To make the endive stew an excellent stew, we need to be creative. We give an example of how to make a creative version of this stew, other versions are very welcome. The one we have in mind is with a caramel sauce, based on beer. It gives a bitter and sweet taste to the […]