Tian de légumes au banon

Servings Personnes


Les légumes

  • 4 poivrons rouges
  • 3 aubergines longues
  • 5 courgettes
  • 1 banon
  • 1 gousse d'ail
  • 1 c.à s. d’huile d’olive
  • 1 c.à s. de jus de citron

Le dressage

  • 1 feuille de gélatine
  • 200 g de bouillon de légumes ou de volaille


Les légumes

  • Grillez les poivrons au four à 200°C. Lorsqu’ils sont colorés sur toutes les faces, débarrassez les dans une boîte hermétique. Laissez les refroidir puis épluchez les.
  • Taillez les aubergines en tranches un peu épaisses, sans les éplucher. Écartez la première et la dernière tranche qui ne sont que de peau. Cuisez les à la poêle ou au four (10 minutes à 150° C).
  • Réalisez la même opération avec les courgettes.
  • Mixez le banon avec l'huile d'olive, le jus de citron et l'ail afin d’obtenir une pâte homogène.

Le dressage

  • Montez la terrine en intercalant les légumes en tartinant une très fine couche de crème de Banon entre chaque couche de légumes, en commençant par les poivrons, soit dans des moules ronds individuels, soit dans une terrine en fonte ou en aluminium, ou en terre. Un plat à tarte rond convient aussi.
  • Faites tremper la gélatine à l’eau froide.
  • Faites chauffer le bouillon de légumes puis ajoutez la gélatine égouttée. Coulez le bouillon gélatiné sur la terrine. Réservez au froid durant 24 heures.
  • Vous pouvez servir tel quel ou avec un coulis de tomates au basilic ou au pesto d’herbes sauvage, ou une vinaigrette aux herbes. Vous pouvez aussi servir froid en accompagnement d’une viande ou d’un poisson qui lui serait chaud ou froid.
Academie du goût
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Lamb stew with horseradish puree and garlic mayonnaise

Course Main course meat
Cuisine Dutch
Servings pax


  • 1,5 kg lamb poulet
  • 5 cloves fermented black garlic
  • Olijfolie
  • 2 trays Tomaat Cherry Sicilië
  • 500 g Aardappelen Dore
  • 1 pot garlic mayonaise
  • 1 Mierikswortel
  • 300 g Knolselderij chopped
  • 100 g Wortelen chopped
  • 1 pot Lamb juice
  • few branches Postelein
  • 1 Citroen grated
  • 1 tblsp Komijnzaad whole seeds
  • 2 tblsp Kerriepoeder
  • 1 tblsp Zonnebloemolie
  • 4 tblsp Tomatenpuree
  • 4 tblsp Poedersuiker
  • 1 dash Gembersiroop
  • 1 brown bread
  • 2 tblsp Bloem



  • Sprinkle the lamb poulet with a generous pinch of salt, cumin seeds and curry powder. Mix everything well. Puree the fermented garlic with the sunflower oil into a smooth paste. Add the garlic paste, half of the tomato puree, powdered sugar and a generous dash of ginger syrup to the lamb poulet. The powdered sugar makes the poulet softer and together with the tomato puree provides a nice shine on the meat. Let the meat marinate for 1.5 hours. Cut the crusts off the bread and make 6 equal rectangles (about 7 by 5 cm). Sprinkle the slices with olive oil (alternately). Sprinkle with some pepper and salt. Bake the slices for 12 minutes at 150 degrees. Halve 3 tomatoes per person and dry them in the oven at 80 degrees for approximately 40 minutes. Cook the potatoes until tender, crush them and sieve through a fine sieve. Mix 1 tablespoon of the garlic mayonnaise into the potatoes and grate fresh horseradish to taste.

Preparation of the lamb

  • Heat a dash of oil in a pan and briefly fry the carrot and celeriac. Add the remaining tomato puree and lamb and fry the lamb so that the flavors are released. Add the lamb gravy and a splash of water, so that the meat is just covered. Let the meat stew for 60 minutes. Remove the carrot and celeriac from the pan. Add flour to bind the moisture and let it simmer for another 30 minutes. The lamb is ready when it still has structure and does not look exactly like pulled pork. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of ginger syrup.


  • Place a dash of potato horseradish puree in the center of the plate. Put the brown country bread toast on it. Generously spoon the lamb on the toast. Playfully add a touch of garlic mayonnaise and potato horseradish puree to the lamb meat. Arrange the dried tomatoes and a few watercress or purslane leaves on the meat. Grate a little bit of lemon over it (this removes the heavy from the lamb and smells delicious when serving the dish) and sprinkle the dish with the lamb gravy.
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Parade of citrus fruits

Course Dessert
Cuisine Frans
Servings pax


Creamy yuzu cream

  • 100 g yuzu juice
  • 30 g Whole milk
  • 15 g Limoenschil
  • 170 g Eieren
  • 120 g fijne suiker
  • 160 g soft butter
  • 25 g Custard powder

Citrus Supremes

  • 2 Pieces Grapefruit
  • 3 Pieces oranges
  • 3 Pieces gele citroenen

Candied citrus

  • Zest van grapefruit en sinaasappels
  • 1 Liters mineraalwater
  • 500 g fijne suiker
  • 2 Pieces limoenen juice


  • 30 g Poedersuiker
  • 30 g halfgezouten boter
  • 30 g Amandelpoeder
  • 30 g flour T45 pastry flour
  • 220 g Fondant
  • 140 g Glucose

yuzu topping

  • 125 g water
  • 125 g Suiker
  • 6 g Gelatine
  • 25 g yuzu juice
  • Gele kleurstof or turmeric powder


  • 75 g water
  • 250 g Suiker


Creamy yuzu cream

  • Cook the day before the yuzu juice, the milk, the lime peel, the eggs, sugar and custard powder au bain-marie until the mixture is 85 °C. Pass through a sieve, mix in the blender and add the butter little by little. Put the creamy cream in a piping bag and put 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Citrus Supremes

  • Peel the citrus fruits and leave some flesh on the skin. Put this away for the citrus jam. Remove the remaining white part of the fruit and cut all wedges of citrus fruits with a small sharp knife, cut them into cubes and place them on kitchen paper.

Candied citrus

  • Cut the peels into cubes and then immerse them in a pan with cold water. Bring to a boil and repeat twice, change the water every time. Drain through a sieve.
  • Blanch the lemon zest to avoid a bitter taste.
  • Boil the water with the sugar. Put the cubes peel in and layer the heat. The fruits are candied when the tip of the knife punctuates through it without resistance and when they light translucent. Drain.

Citrus marmalade

  • Take half of the candied citrus and mash in the blender with the lime juice. Then set aside.


  • Preheat the oven to 150°C. Prepare the crumble: mix the powdered sugar, half salted butter, almond powder and flour. Spread it over two sheets of 5 mm thick baking paper and let cook for 20 minutes, let it cool on a grid. Increase the oven temperature to 180°C.
  • Cook the fondant in a pan with glucose until a caramel of 180°C and then pour over the baked crumble. Allow to cool and grind finely with a blender. Sprinkle on a round of baking paper with a diameter of 13 cm on a Silpat, and bake in the oven for 5 minutes.


  • Heat the topping, yuzu juice and dye until the mixture is homogeneous. Spray the yuzu cream into small balls on a plate, so you get two concentric circles. Mix the citrus supremes with the candied citrus and the marmalade. Place it between the Yuzu cream balls. Place the cake on the yuzu cream balls and place some cubes of candied citrus on top of the cake. Create a yuzu topping circle around the cake.

yuzu topping

  • Boil the water and yuzu juice with the sugar to a syrup. Leave the gelatin soak in cold water and then add to the hot syrup. Add the dye and stir well. Allow to cool until use.

Fondant, for the cake

  • Dissolve the sugar in the water by cooking. Then allow to cool down to 75ºC and put in the food processor with a flat mixer. Turn until the mixture turns white and cooled. Store in the refrigerator. Grab it with damp fingers, then it doesn't stick to your hands.
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Crumble of tomatoes

Course Side dish
Cuisine Frans
Servings pax


  • 30 g Pijnboompitten roasted and chopped
  • 70 g Boter cold, in cubes
  • 100 g Bloem
  • 40 g Kaas Parmesan, coarsely grated
  • 1 kg tomatoes sweet tomatoes, seeds removed and chopped
  • 2 pcs uien chopped
  • 2 cloves Knoflook chopped
  • 1 bunch Basilicum teared
  • 3 tblsp Olijfolie
  • 1 tsp Basterdsuiker brown
  • 1 branch Rozemarijn
  • 3 branch Tijm
  • 1 pcs Bay leaves
  • Zout


  • Preheat the oven to 180º C. Make a crumble dough of butter, flour, cheese, pine nuts and a pinch of salt and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, place the tomato cubes in a sieve, sprinkle with some salt and drain well. Fry the onion in 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix the drained tomatoes with the sugar, garlic and basil. Spread a baking dish with olive oil and spread the onion on the bottom, followed by the tomatoes. Put the herbs in between and cover with the crumbly pastry. Put in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
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Rhubarber and strawberry cake

Course Pastry
Cuisine Frans
Servings cakes of 20 cm


Pate sucre

  • 300 g pate sucre

Amandel creme

  • 100 g Boter
  • 100 g Basterdsuiker
  • 100 g Ei
  • 100 g Amandelmeel


  • 200 g Rabarber

Gepocheerde rabarber

  • 500 g Rabarber
  • 500 g aarbeiensap


  • 150 g Amandelen
  • 50 g Rabarber
  • 100 g Aardbeien


Pate sucre

  • Verwarm de oven voor op 160ºC. Rol het deeg uit tot 2 cirkels en laat ze in een ronde vorm zakken. Bak ze ongeveer 15 minuten.


  • Laat de boter zacht worden tot een zalfachtige substantie. Meng met de basterdsuiker. Voeg dan de eieren toe, meng goed en voeg dan het amandelmeel toe.


  • Was de rabarber en snijd in 1 cm lange stukken. Als er draden aan de rabarber zitten, moet je ze eerst schillen.
  • Breng de amandelcreme aan op de gebakken bodem tot een kwart van de rand.
  • Leg hierop de stukje rabarber in concentrische cirkels en bak op 160ºC gedurende 15 minuten.

Gepocheerde rabarber

  • Was de rabarber en snijd hem in stukjes. Doe het aardbeiensap in een pan en kook het. Verlaag het vuur, voeg de rabarber toe en bedek het met bakpapier om alle hitte te behouden. Controleer het koken van de rabarber door het te voelen, het moet gekookt worden terwijl het stevig blijft, anders zal het niet binden.
  • Haal de rabarber uit het sap zodra het gaar is. Snijd de stukjes in stukjes van 6 cm lang, snijd ze in twee schuine kanten en stukken van 2 cm lang. Neem de snippers en bak ze tot je een marmelade krijgt. De kooktijd van rabarber is afhankelijk van de grootte en versheid. Rabarber kan van tevoren worden gekookt en vervolgens gedurende 5 dagen in zijn koude aardbeiensap worden bewaard. Aarzel niet om het aardbeiensap te verwarmen (zonder het opnieuw te koken) als de rabarber te langer moet garen.


  • Verwijder voorzichtig de schil van de amandelen en snijd in stokjes. Was de rabarber, snij in dunne plakjes en driehoeken. Snijd de aardbeien in twee of vier, afhankelijk van hun grootte.


  • Bedek de basis van de gekookte taart met rabarbermarmelade tot de bovenkant van het deeg.
  • Plaats bovenop de marmelade de rabarberstukken en afgeschuinde stukken, waardoor de taart enige hoogte krijgt. Leg er verse amandelstukjes, aardbeien en rauwe rabarberdriehoeken bovenop.
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Eggplant flan with zucchini

Course Side dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings pax


  • 1 pcs Ui slices
  • Olijfolie
  • 250 g Eggplant slices
  • 200 g Zucchini cubes
  • Zout
  • 1 glass Room
  • 1 pcs Ei
  • 1 pcs Eidooier
  • 3 el Parmesan cheest grated
  • Boter


  • Fry the onion in a pan with some oil. Add the eggplant slices and the zucchini cubes. Sprinkle with a little salt and bake for 15 minutes. Puree the vegetables, et the cream, egg, egg yolk and cheese.
  • Butter the molds and pour in the mixture. Put in the oven for an hour in a bain marie at 180ºC.
  • Put the flans on a plate and serve.
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Zucchini flowers stuffed with ricotta

Course Amuse
Cuisine Italian
Servings flowers



  • 12 pcs Courgettebloemen
  • 0,5 l full mlk
  • 3 tblsp Bloem
  • 1 pcs Ei beaten
  • Olijfolie


  • 250 g Ricotta
  • 1 pcs Ui chopped
  • 125 g Almond paste grated
  • 2 tblsp Basilicum cut finely
  • 125 g Almond shavings or pin tree seeds
  • 2 tblcp Peterselie



  • If necessary, wash the flowers carefully, dry them with soft kitchen paper and remove the pistils and possibly the stem.
  • Make a batter from the flour, milk, egg and a dash of olive oil. Use a wide bowl so that the flowers can lie in it without kinking.


  • Prepare all ingredients and mix well with a spatula. Then transfer them to a piping bag.
  • Fill the courgette flowers with the filling. Put the flowers in the batter and fry in the hot oil until they are brown all around.
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Papa al Pomodoro

Course Soup
Cuisine Italian
Servings pax


  • 6 pcs tomatoes very ripe or canned
  • 4 thick slice old bread
  • 1 pcs uien
  • 500 ml Bouillon beef or vegetable
  • Tijm or basil or oregano


  • Chop the onion and fry it in a good layer of olive oil over low heat until they are soft, do not let them turn brown. Add the fresh herbs, broth and sliced bread and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt and a lot of black pepper. When a spoon stays upright in the Papa, you can dilute the "soup" with some broth.
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Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian


  • 2 pcs Eieren
  • 2 pcs egg yolks
  • 200 ml Room
  • 80 g Suiker
  • rasp of 1 orange
  • 75 g pure chocolate
  • 1 dash Vin Santo or white wine


  • Chop the dark chocolate into pieces and place it on the bottom of a cake pan lined with baking paper.
  • Put the eggs, egg yolks, 40 grams of sugar, a dash of Vin Santo and orange zest in a bowl. Heat this mixture, beating with a whisk au-bainmarie, until the mixture has the thickness of yogurt. Then transfer the bowl to a layer of cold water and keep beating until it has cooled to room temperature (this entire process takes more than fifteen minutes, so ask someone else to take it over from a lame arm).
  • Beat the cream with 40 grams of sugar as thick as a yogurt. Mix the whipped cream and eggs and pour into a cake tin. Put the semifreddo in the freezer. Remove from the freezer just before serving and cut into thin slices and serve.
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Course Appetizer
Cuisine Frans
Servings pieces



  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water 105°F to 110° F
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dry active yeast
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Olive oil


  • 4 ounces unsalted butter 1 stick
  • 5 Yellow onions thinly sliced lengthwise, about 3 pounds
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons Sugar


  • 2/3 cup Crème fraiche
  • 1/4 cup fromage blanc or plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 ounces bottarga about, preferably from Sicily or Sardinia
  • Fleur de sel and freshly ground white pepper
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves



  • Gently stir the water with the yeast in a small bowl, then set it aside until bubbles form on top of the yeast mixture, about 5 minutes.
  • Sift the flour into the mixing bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment. Mix in the salt. Add the yeast mixture and start mixing gently. With the machine on, add the oil and keep mixing until the dough has formed into a shiny ball. Transfer the dough to a work surface and divide the dough into 4 equal pieces. Shape each dough piece into a ball and set the dough balls on a lightly floured baking sheet. Cover with a slightly dampened towel and set aside for 50 minutes, or until doubled in size.


  • To caramelize the onions: Melt the butter in a large deep frying pan over high heat until it bubbles, then add the onions and a pinch of salt, and cook until the onions are translucent, about 12 minutes. Add the sugar and cook over medium-low heat, stirring often, until the onions are turning brown and look all around caramelized, about 2 hours. Place the onions in a fine-meshed sieve to drain off the excess butter. Cool completely.


  • Position a baking stone on the bottom shelf of the oven and preheat the oven to 425°F. Mix the crème fraîche and fromage blanc in a small bowl to blend.
  • Roll out 1 dough ball on a lightly floured surface into an oval about 3 millimeters thin and about 10 1/2-inches long by 6 1/2-inches wide. Place the dough on a floured pizza paddle. (If a pizza paddle and stone are not available, you can place the formed dough on a lightly oiled sheet tray.) Spread 3 tablespoons of the cream mixture over the rolled out dough. Then scatter about 1/4 cup of the caramelized onions on the top of the cream, spreading it with an offset spatula to cover but without mixing it into the cream too much. Transfer the tart to the preheated baking stone in the oven and bake the tart until you see some golden brown marbling on the tart and the crust is golden brown on the bottom, about 12 minutes. Repeat with the remaining dough and toppings.
  • Grate enough of the bottarga over the tarts until you see a nice and uniform yellow layer. Sprinkle a small pinch of fleur de sel and white pepper over the tarts. Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of thymes leaves over each tart, and serve immediately while it’s steaming hot.
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