
Course Bread
Cuisine USA
Servings bagels



  • 500 g Meel
  • 10 g Zeezout
  • 15 g Gist fresh yeast
  • 250 g water
  • 1,5 TBLSP malt sirop
  • 1 Pieces Eieren Beaten
  • 2 TBLSP Melted butter or vergetable oil
  • optional fruits or nuts cranberries, blueberries.


  • 1 TBLSP malt sirop
  • 30 g Eiwit Beaten
  • sesamzaad or other seed, seeds


  • First make a pre dough, a poolish, from the half of water and a quarter of the flour. Dissolve 1/3 of the yeast in the water. Mix flour and water/yeast solution well until you have a smooth batter. Leave this until the volume is doubled, which can take up to 8 hours.
  • After rising the poolish you add the rest of the water, in which the rest of the yeast and malt sirop is solved, flour and yeast. Now you add the additives such as berries o.i.d. This is first mixed into a dough and then you knead for 10 minutes. The dough should be flexible and firm. Transfer to a bowl and let rise until the volume is doubled. About 1.5 hours.
  • Then you're going to form the bagels. The authentic way is to make rolls and those to wrap around your hand. You then roll the ends against each other. You must have seen it to know how this works. The other way is to make balls, flatten them and make a hole in the middle with your finger. You swing the dough around your finger so the hole gets bigger. Then place them on a floured cloth to rise again to double volume.
  • Preheat the oven to 250ºC.
  • The next step is to poach the bagels. This is the special step of bagel making. You boil water in a large pan, put the malt sirop in it for the color and taste. You place the bagels one by one gently in the pan and you poach 1.5 minutes per side. The bagels should stay afloat. Then you cool them in ice water. And drain them on a cloth.
  • Brush the bagels with egg white and sprinkle with the seeds and some salt. Place the bagels on a baking mat and put it in the oven. Turn the temperature to 200ºC when they are in the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Then leave to cool on a grid.
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