Get inspired and enriched

The versatility of techniques, as well as the combination of ingredients, ensure that the French cuisine continues to inspire us. France is one of the first European countries who developed their own cuisine. This started in the 17th century and has been continuously refined, and makes it one of France’s most successful export products. In this course, you will get a glimpse of the riches which this versatile cuisine has to offer.


The course consists of four lessons. Scroll down for details per lesson. Register now to secure your place at the stove.


Each lesson takes starts at ± 6.30 PM and ends ±10.30 PM.


€345 per person for four lessons including drinks and coffee.


Location is Utrecht, around the corner of the Burgemeester Reigerstraat, Podium Oost. 20 minutes walk from the central station and 5 minutes by bus. Parking is no problem in this street close to the city center.


Individually or per group.

Would you like to surprise someone with a cooking class or workshop at Cook Your Life? You can book a voucher via the contact form.


April 12, 2024

Filleting, mise-en-place, lardering, munting, blanching, poaching, braising, smoking or popping. These are just a few of the techniques within the French cuisine. During the first class, you will learn more about cutting techniques, stocks, and making gravies. Meanwhile, we will also enjoy the dishes together.


June 14, 2024

In this class, we will work with sauces on the basis of fonds and will go into more detail on baking and roasting techniques of meat and vegetables. In this lesson we will, of course, also prepare and taste a variety of dishes and enjoy each other’s company.


July 12, 2024

A French master is not a master if he is not able to prepare fish. Therefore, the third lesson focuses on fish. You will learn filleting and how to prepare fish in several different ways. And once again, we will end the lesson with a delicious meal which consists of all the fish dishes as well as side dishes.


September, 2024, day to be set later

Éclairs, macarons, Meringues, tarte tatin. Does your mouth already water? We will end the course with desserts and pastries. The French have hundreds of different small cakes, pies, and pastries. This will give us enough inspiration to make the most delicious sweets.