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Cook Your Life


Gang Side dish
Keuken Israel
Porties 6 pax


  • 250 g Kikkererwten
  • 2 bags baking soda 5 gram per bag
  • 2 cloves Knoflook pressed
  • 275 g tahin
  • 1 pcs Citroensap
  • 1 tblsp Zout
  • 1 branch Peterselie
  • 1 pinch Paprikapoeder
  • 0,5 pcs Citroenschil



  • Soak the chickpeas for at least 12 hours in plenty of water with a bag of baking soda dissolved in it. Drain and bring the peas to the boil with clean water and the second bag of baking soda. Make sure they are approximately 3 centimeters below. Put the lid on the pan and reduce the heat. The peas are ready when they start to fall apart. Go out for about 45 minutes, but don't be surprised if it takes twice as long.


  • Collect the cooking liquid when draining the chickpeas. Puree the peas when they have cooled slightly in the food processor and add the garlic, raw techina and the juice of 1 lemon. Let the food processor run for at least 10 minutes. Add small splashes of cooking liquid to the choemoes to dilute, but leave it slightly thicker than the creamy puree that it should eventually become. Add some lemon zest if necessary. Season with about a teaspoon of salt and maybe some lemon juice. Good tasting is crucial! Only when the choemoes are perfectly flavored, do you dilute them with some cooking liquid to its desired thickness.

To plate

  • Spread the choumous with the convex side of a spoon over a plate. Form a crater in the middle. The trick is to keep the spoon still and turn the plate. Place the separately kept chickpeas in the crater and fill with olive oil. If you have forgotten to keep chickpeas behind, feel free to open a small can of chickpeas. Sprinkle with paprika and parsley, garnish with a dash of olive oil and serve.